“When faced with arrest, he tried to eat the evidence. It killed him”

Not the Taser that officers used to subdue him (Rickey Massey), then. Which is why Taser PR sent me this story. The company vigorously defends itself from lawsuits filed against it by victims or...

575,000 New York City Stop and Frisks Yields 762 Guns

The New York TImes reports that "Blacks and Latinos were nine times as likely as whites to be stopped by the police in New York City in 2009, but no more likely to be...

ATF Federalizes Jackson, MS Police Dept. Sort of.

Imagine Harvey Johnson Jr.’s surprise. On Tuesday, Jackson Mississippi's mayor announced that crime in the southern city had fallen 6.7 percent year over year. Violent crime fell a whopping 27.3 percent. Good news, right?...

Jose Guerena SWAT Team Video


Baltimore Police Issue Concealed Carry Heads-Up Stickers

Here's the press release from legallyconcealed.org: On May 29, 2011, the Baltimore Police Criminal Intelligence Section issued an “Intelligence Bulletin” warning officers about persons displaying the 2nd Amendment decal pictured here . The bulletin contains the...

Marcus Schantz’s Closing Argument in the Trial of Kenneth Green

  "Homicidal or suicidal, that’s what you have to be to shoot a gun at police officers that are in your home to execute a search warrant, homicidal or suicidal . . . This was a...

Why Cops Can’t Shoot Straight

  I'm pretty good at spotting cops. I see enough law enforcement types down at the range to ID the serve-and-protect-types in a New York minute, regardless of dress. These guys were different. They were...

Las Vegas Review Journal: AR15s Shooting Unarmed Suspects

  The vast majority of American AR-15 owners don't use their rifle(s) to kill people or commit crimes. What was true before the Clinton-era Assault Weapons Ban---most criminals use handguns for concealability---is true now. So...

Local Sheriff Replies to Concealed Carry License Holder

You may recall my earlier post, A Concealed Carry License Holder Writes his Local Sheriff, where I queried my county sheriff, Pat Garrett, about how interactions between armed citizens and LEOs (Law Enforcement Officials)...

Self-Defense Tip: Plan for Police Incompetence

  Yesterday, I raised the issue of 911 operators, labeling them a dangerous distraction. I suggested that armed citizens facing a defensive gun use (DGU) tell the 911 operator who they are, where they are,...

In Defense of SWAT

Special Weapons and Tactics teams have lately gotten a bad rap both here on TTAG and in the press. Stories abound of SWAT teams kicking in doors (sometimes the wrong door), shooting the family...

Mexico: We’ll Punish Police Who Ambushed CIA

  The police officers who fired on a U.S. Embassy SUV and wounded two officials from that country will be punished “upon confirmation of the excessive use of force,” the Mexican Public Safety Secretariat...