BREAKING: Video of Ohio Walmart Shopper Shooting Released

247 Video has now been release of the August shooting of Ohio Walmart shopper John Crawford III. A grand jury found insufficient evidence to indict Beavercreek Officer Sean Williams. But as reports, Crawford's family claims...

Question of the Day: Is It OK for a Cop to Shoot Suppressive Fire?

The post-mortem on the recent fatal officer-involved shooting of Vonderrit Myers Jr. in St. Louis continues. We now learn that Mr. Myers was tooled up and proud of it before his fatal encounter with...

33 Stockton, CA Police Officers Fire 600 Bullets at Bank Robber, Knowing He Had...

138 "A female hostage kidnapped during a Northern California bank robbery was killed by police in an ensuing chase and shootout, likely during a final gun battle where the lone surviving suspect used her as...

Have a Plan to Kill Everyone You Meet…And One to Let Them Walk Away

130   Albuquerque police officers Keith Sandy and Dominique Perez were charged on Monday with murder for the March 16, 2014, shooting of James Boyd, a 36-year-old homeless man who (allegedly) was illegally camping in the Albuquerque...

John Farnam: “The problem is not that we’re shooting too many people. The problem...

by John Farnam Ft Collins, CO --( “Delay in the use of force, and hesitation to accept responsibility for its employment when the situation clearly demands it, will always be interpreted as weakness. Such indecision...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Former Detective Mark Garner

I don't know about you, but when I took my first firearms class focused on defensive use of handguns, the instructor -- Randy Cain -- made sure everyone memorized Jeff Cooper's four rules of gun...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: Grab Your Gun and FIRE!

74 I'm not a police officer. I did a brief stint as a reserve officer but I never had a close-quarters combat situation. So I may not be the best person to say that this...

How the Law Protects and Serves in Illinois

Reader BH writes: The Waukegan, Illinois Police Department received a telephone call on February, 2, 2015. The female caller, later identified as “Roselynn” stated that her boyfriend, former US Army tanker veteran, Alfred DeVost, had...

Boston Police Targeting Toy Guns

78 "Police plan to target replica guns and the inappropriate use of scooters, mopeds, and off-road vehicles to keep Boston streets safe from violence this summer," reports. "Commissioner William B. Evans revealed his plan...

NYPD 1, Innocent Bystander 0

"The New York Police Department said that in the midst of the sting, a suspect pulled a gun on the undercover officer, stole the cash changing hands in the transaction and ran," reports....

Trinity, TX Cop’s Successful Armed Perp Interaction

52 TTAG runs a lot of police and cameraphone video of cops gone wild - especially when they end with a questionable "ballistic solution."  The Trinity Texas Police Department posted the video as a well-deserved attaboy for Officer Wheeler....

West Palm Beach Police Answer to Gang Violence: Cops as Social Workers

41 To combat violent crime in general and "gun violence" in specific, West Palm Beach Police and West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio are introducing what they're calling "Neighborhood Enhancement Teams." They're talking about two five-member police squads...