New Zealand Moving Towards Arming Police

Once upon a time, England was known for the fact that its police didn't carry firearms. At least by Americans, whose law enforcement officials have been armed and dangerous for well over a hundred...

Maniac Murders Wife with A Rifle: Hillsborough County Coverup?

Maine's Manchester Union Leader is attempting to hold the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department's feet to the fire for its failure to remove firearms from a man they were ordered to disarm. On October 20,...

Tennessee Police Packs Heat, Then Sells It

You may remember that investigators traced one of the guns used by Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell to the Memphis police. The cops sold the 9mm Taurus to a still-unnamed gun dealer in 2008....

Department of Education: Here’s Why We Need Shotguns (Pt. 2)

Earlier this month, commentator Mossberg500 (no bias there) was not happy to hear that the U.S. Department of Education was buying 27 shotguns. "Their first mistake was purchasing Remington shotguns when they could...

Florida: M4 Carbine Swiped from SWAT

Officer John Foshee would have been our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day. But I've already awarded that dubious distinction to a mother whose firearms tolerance proved fatal. So let's just say that...

New Ammo Promises to Render Targets Unconscious, Not Kill

German ammunition manufacturer Scheiße AG has announced the availability of a "revolutionary" cartridge designed to wound - but not fatally injure - a human target. Designated the Scheiße Ich Lüge, the bullet itself is designed to break the skin, but not penetrate through muscle tissue, organs, or bone, dissipating the kinetic energy throughout the body to render the target unconscious.

Taser Statement on Indiana Police Tasering 10-Year-Old

At our request, Steve Tuttle of Taser International sent us this statement about the Tasering of a 10-year-old by a Morgan County, Indiana police officer: While there are considerable safety margins for use of...

“You don’t put it down, we’re going to kill you”

Forget about trigger-happy cops for a moment. Let's talk about law enforcement's reluctance to use deadly force (a.k.a. restraint). And poor marksmanship. And stopping power, or lack thereof. A debate brought to you by...

Omaha Hearts Entrapment. White Supremacist Skinheads Need Apply

Greed motivated these skinheads the headline informs. Specifically, "What motivated the group was much simpler than the race-based ideology of some of its members, said Mickey Leadingham, the resident agent...

Portland Cop Chooses Bullets Over Taser

9 A grand jury found "no criminal wrongdoing" in the case of a Portland police officer who shot a homeless man named Jack Dale Collins. According to the police report, Collins was approaching officer Walters...

Ottowa RCMP Hopes Heckler & Koch MP5s Are Better Than Before

Unlike most of the mainstream media goldfish, the has a long memory. Or excellent archives. Or a writer who can Google. The paper notes that the Ottowa RCMP's decision to deploy Heckler &...

New Orleans Cops’ Statement Describes Post-Katrina Massacre

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. MICHAEL HUNTER * * * FACTUAL BASIS If this matter were to go to trial, the Government would prove beyond a reasonable doubt, through the introduction of competent testimony and ...