nypd friendly fire incident

NYPD Releases Video Showing Friendly Fire Death of Officer Brian Mulkeen

https://youtu.be/9EQ3hzZ5EIY By Karen Matthews, Associated Press Video from cameras worn by New York City police officers involved in a fatal friendly fire shooting shows a chaotic nighttime scene as officers struggled with an armed man on...
Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo is One of Michael Bloomberg’s Politicized Hacks

Yesterday TTAG published an article talking about Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo attacking Republicans (and the NRA) after a HPD officer was shot and killed during a domestic violence call, often the the most...

Art Acevedo Attacks McConnell, Cornyn and Cruz After HPD Officer Killed in the Line...

https://youtu.be/G0PsRg1cFTY   As we learned when he was Chief of the Austin PD, Houston's Police Chief Art Acevedo never misses a chance to politicize an issue or come down on the side of more gun control...
Stop and Frisk-Whistleblowers

‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Can Work, Under Careful Supervision

By Henry F. Fradella, Arizona State University and Michael D. White, Arizona State University In mid-November, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg apologized publicly for his backing of a practice intended to reduce violent...

The Aftermath of the wiskey_warrior_556 Standoff

You may have followed the situation that played out online and in Mahopac, New York on Saturday evening. Alexander Booth, a veteran who posts on Instagram as whiskey_warrior_556, put of video from his home...

New York Instagramer Posts Video of Possible Red Flag Confiscation Action Against Him

UPDATE: According to a report from News 12 Westchester, the situation has “ended peacefully.” It’s not clear if he’s been taken into custody. Police say that man is not expected to face any charges from...
California Gun Trafficking San Diego Cop

San Diego Sheriff’s Dept. Captain, Lieutenant Busted for Trafficking ‘Off Roster’ Guns

Carrying on in the grand tradition of California public officials such as San Francisco's Leland Yee, a couple of San Diego County Sheriff's Office cops have been busted for running a thriving gun trafficking...
AK-47 guide beginner buying

Chasing the Machine Guns

I try to keep up with the criminal use of machine guns in the United States. To date, I have documented five cases of an actual machine gun that was used in a crime...

Florida Teen Who Meticulously Planned School Shooting Is Released by Local Judge

By Bobby Caina Calvan, Associated Press Anxieties multiplied quickly across Baker County, a mostly rural community of 28,000 in northern Florida, when news spread that a 15-year-old had planned a massacre at the county’s only...
NYPD police academy Graduation Ceremony

It’s Time for Law Enforcement To Stand With America’s Gun Owners

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous writes . . . “Bad men need no more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”  – John Stuart Mill Law-abiding American...
Presence St. Joseph Hospital police guns

Chicago Hospital Ejects Uniformed, On-Duty Cop for Refusing to Surrender his Gun

Presence St. Joseph Hospital in Chicago has a "no guns" policy that goes well beyond what is required by Illinois law. Last week, security there ejected a uniformed, on-duty Chicago Police officer visiting a...
Humboldt County Sheriff Mike Allen

Nevada Residents Launch Effort to Recall Sheriff Who Pledges to Enforce Red Flag Law

“They’re taking up a fight against me on something the Legislature has to do, and they think I have the authority not to follow the law. I do oppose this law. However, it’s my...