Self-Defense Tip for Hand Loaders: Write it Down!

In a recent post, TTAG scribe Benjamin T Shotzberger admitted to carrying hand loads in his self-defense gun. When the topic of roll-your-own for self-defense comes up, the most obvious concern: chances of being...

Miami Beach Police Don’t Like Cell Phone Video Cameras. Really.

12 After the worst of the mayhem that took place in Miami Beach over the Memorial Day weekend, what concerned local cops the most? Was it the four innocent bystanders who'd been shot (possibly as...

If He Wasn’t Paranoid Before . . .

From A Pendleton man at 3:43 a.m. called 9-1-1, whispering he is in a house across from an upholstery shop on Southwest Court Avenue and some guys are trying to break in. The caller...

British Woman Heading to Prison for Saying “Bang Bang”

What has happened to Britain? Sticks and stones can break my bones, but pointing your finger at me and saying 'bang bang' will send you to prison? Roger that. "A woman has admitted saying...

Self-Defense Tip: Always Call 911 After Brandishing Your Gun

  Earlier today, TTAG scribe Daniel Zimmeran reported that a Baltimore City Councilman told his constituents to enhance police response time by telling the 911 operator there's a gun involved in their emergency---even when there...

Geek Has a Flare for Surveillance

I'm sure there's some reason why Joshua Marpet's invention won't work. Or if it does work, why hidebound police departments won't adopt it. Whether or not the Flarecam finds commercial success, you've got to admit...

Norwegian Spree Killer Anders Breivik Shows Police How He Did It

11 In the aftermath of the spree killing that left 69 people dead and scores wounded, the Norwegian police have returned Anders Breivik to the scene of the crime. The Daily Mail also reports that...

Brits Sleep Easier Knowing They’re Safe From Super Soakers

The London Metro Police took a fair amount of criticism during the recent riots. So did other constabularies around England. Store and home owners who saw their property damaged or destroyed weren’t impressed by...

SWAT Drone with TASER, Grenade Launcher or 12 Gauge Shotgun

14 In a previous post (Is America Becoming a Police State) I chronicled the phenomenal growth of police SWAT teams and their tendency not to stay in barracks. And the inevitable, tragic consequences when "no-knock" raids...

Ode to the Gibson Guitar Raid

Imagine you're a middle-aged federal law enforcement agent on a Special Reaction Team. Back when the S.W.A.T. TV show had punctuation, yours was a lonely profession. Uncle Sam only deployed you for bank robbers...

New Video: Did Leroy Webster Fire on Cops in Self-Defense?

30!' Recently released video of the now infamous Crown Heights shooting---where eight police officers fired 73 shots at Leroy Webster---clearly shows material exploding at Johnson's feet as Webster frantically attempts to re-enter the building and escape the...

MA Firefighter Cleared of Being Hydrated While Carrying

It took a six-person jury just 19 minutes Wednesday to clear a Brockton, MA firefighter of being hydrated while carrying a gun last year. The firefighter, Jaime Barbosa, drew his .40 cal Glock twice...