James Ray Palmer and the Truth About Gunfights

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNWcPqJ9OX8 On September 13, James Ray Palmer rode his motorcycle to the Crawford County courthouse in Van Buren, Arkansas. He carried three semi-automatic handguns with him, along with an AR-15 style rifle. He wore a...

TSA: 21 Loaded Firearms Found Last Week

Blogger Bob at the TSA Blog has a rundown of all the firearms confiscated from TSA checkpoints this past week. Thankfully I didn't make the list, and I'll have a full report on my...

Open Carry Update: Kurk Kirby Charges Dismissed

Back in March of 2010, this website reported on the case against Kurk Kirby: the Washington State resident who was arrested for openly carrying his .45 ACP Springfield XD into his neighborhood Albertson's grocery...

Self-Defense Tip: How to Handle a Routine Police Stop

Before I became a law enforcement officer I had a concealed carry permit. During the mandatory safety course, the instructor encouraged us to disclose the fact that we had a firearm in the car...

Bad Law Enforcement Advice of the Day: Colorado Springs Edition

You hear it so often it must be printed in police department handbooks. "Just give the robber what he wants. It's not worth getting hurt over a few dollars." Would the same cops who...

Run That By Me Again: Whitewash Edition

"During the struggle to take the suspect into custody, the suspect struck one of the officer’s handguns, causing the gun to fire,"  Pratt wrote in a statement released to the press, reported by belmontshorepatch.com....

Crazy-Ass Non Sequitur of the Day: PETA Edition

The NRA evidently names a Country Artist of the Month. Probably on a monthly basis. For some reason. Anyway, in case you missed the news, Trace Adkins got the nod for January. As a...

Force Science Institute: Cops Deserve Better Post-Shooting Treatment Than Civilians

Ray Meyer was a sergeant for the California Highway Patrol. The ex-cop emailed the Force Science Institute (FSI) a question that's been rattling around my head for a while: why should cops get special treatment...

Battlewagon’s Comment on Carl Jr.’s Shooting

I did 5 deployments. I’ve shot people and never lost a minute of sleep over it because I was lucky enough to never have an ambiguous situation. I look at that video and think...

NSW (AU): Restrict Ammo Sales to Stop Drive-Bys

Gun rights advocates oppose seemingly sensible new gun control regulation by deploying the slippery slope argument. For example: if we "close the gun show loophole" and force all private gun sellers to pay for...

TASER’s AXON Video System Gets Flak

Behold the face of 21st century law enforcement. The officer above sports TASER's latest foray into police accountability: a hook-up between the stun gun maker's AXON Flex video recording system and Oakley's Flak Jacket eyewear. TASER reckons...

So Much for Unarmed British Bobbies

TTAG reader Jonathan Miller writes from France: "Remember the old story about the sweet British bobby? Armed only with a truncheon and a helmet out of the keystone cops. Englishmen of a certain age will...