Self-Defense Tip: Training vs. Experience

Written by Greg Ellifritz. Republished with permission from Most people “know” that criminal attackers don’t take formal training classes and they assume that if an honest citizen has a couple of good training classes under his...

Self-Defense Tip: Low Ready MEANS Low Ready

In this drill at the SIG SAUER Active Shooter Response Instructor course, a pair of responding officers enter a room with roughly thirty potential targets. Their job: ID and shoot the bad guys without shooting...

Quote of the Day: Common Sense Squirt Gun Control

"Throughout the summer months, Shipley said Maryland State Police troopers and other law enforcement officers will likely use common sense to assess the level of danger associated with water guns. 'If you see a...

Gun Crime: Baltimore Gets it Right While NYC Mayor Bloomberg Pisses on Philly’s Stop-And-Frisk...

  "The average prison time doled out to Baltimore’s felony gun offenders doubled in 2011 to more than five years in state institutions from 32 months in 2009, according to Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who released new crime...

Question of the Day: What Would You Do If You Were SWATed?

"Conservative bloggers say they are being terrorized by a potentially deadly prank in which phony 911 calls bring armed cops to their doors in search of criminals, all in retaliation for their blog posts,"...

Department of Defense Miltarizing U.S. Police. Again. Still.

  "The Coon Rapids Police Department has received a donation of M16A1 rifles rifles shoot a .223 round, which is a considerable upgrade in ballistic power from the department’s existing .40 caliber rifles,”...

Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Bang.

It doesn't appear that Andrew Lee Scott had heard many knock knock jokes before because he forgot to ask who was there last night. Unfortunately for him, it was deputies from the Lake County...

Vernon CT Cops Dump Beanbag Rounds for “Less Than Lethal” Glock 36

  "Vernon police want to phase out their arsenal of bean bag-propelling shotguns on favor of a more efficient 'less than lethal' weapons system," reports. "Police are asking permission from the Town Council to trade...

Off-Duty Cop Refuses To Stop Robbery In Progress, So Shopkeeper Takes Care Of Business

When a Portland man walked into a lunchtime robbery in progress at a downtown Central Drugs store (pictured), he backed out and flagged down an officer driving a marked Portland Police Bureau cruiser a...

The Truth About Philly Po-Po’s Gun Room

  Yesterday's published Eye-opening visit to city’s Gun Room reveals scope of problem. And what problem might that be? Wait. Don't tell me. Gun control? Yup. Daily News Editor Page Editor Sandra Shea reckons...

Virginia Contemplating Allowing EMTs to Carry Guns

Its no secret that I've spent a good portion of my nights since graduating college in the back of an ambulance. In fact, there's no place I'd rather be most nights. But with that...

NYPD Officer Kills Unarmed National Guardsman

Business as usual at the NYPD. It had been almost five weeks since any unarmed citizens had been shot, but New York's finest remedied that when an officer the New York Post described as...