Self-Defense Tip: How Not To Shoot an Off-Duty Cop

20 What are the odds of taking out a Belker? Well here's some sobering info courtesy Sgt. Michael Harding of the Tactics & Survival Training Unit in Los Angeles County. "During early evolutions of our force-on-force active-shooter training, we...

Belleville, IL Cops Boycott Denny’s

It's not exactly news that gun owners have a tough row to hoe in the Land of Lincoln. But cops, too? reports that "Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax said five on-duty detectives were...

Sheriff David Clarke vs. Mayor Tom Barrett vs. Piers Morgan


LAPD Shooting Victims: “There was no warning. There were no orders. No commands. Just...

"Attorney Glen Jonas said Maggie Carranza, 47, and her mother, 71-year-old Emma Hernandez, were delivering Los Angeles Times newspapers around 5:15 a.m. in Torrance when the officers opened fire on their vehicle," reports....

Quote of the Day: Only Police Officers Should Carry Guns (or Not) Edition

“I think when I speak about it, at least it gets them to pause and think. It makes it real, the damage that guns can do.” - Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin in A...

That Wouldn’t Have Happened if He Carried a Glock 7

When I was taken to the local ER recently, suffering pain that felt like someone had inserted a Visegrips into the innards on my right side and was steadily twisting, the medical pros diagnosed...

To Reporters’ Horror, Minnesotans Following the Law

Uh oh. The People of the Gun have the folks at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune alarmed again. This time it's reporters Brandon Stahl and Jim Ragsdale soiling themselves over the fact that Minnesotans can actually...

NY Cops Shoot Herkimer Shooter and Brooklyn Teen

"Authorities on Thursday killed a man suspected of shooting dead four people a day earlier in separate incidents at a barbershop and a car wash in neighboring upstate New York towns," reports. This...

Unnecessary Use of Force of the Day: Mall Cop Edition

116 This is Darren Long, mall cop at the Atlanta Metro Mall. His YouTube channel is filled with rather terrible videos of a mall cop letting his gun go to his head. In situations that...

NY Cops Training for “The Collection”?

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has climbed down on the SAFE Act's uber-unconstitutional seven-round magazine limit. Hizzoner claims he didn't know that no one makes seven-round ammunition magazines. Be that as it isn't, read the...

CBP Email to Agents: Qual Ammo Only

43 Here's an email that's surfaced from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to its agents: Enforcement Personnel, Due to budget concerns and ammunition availability, we will not be getting issued any proficiency ammunition for next quarter. In...

Texas CHL Holder Arrested for “Rudely Diplaying” a Rifle

295 There's no way to know what exactly went down before this video starts (at least until the dashcam video is released), but at minimum, the Temple, Texas PD -- including the responding sergeant on...