Massachusetts Police Carve-Out on Gun Control

  Massachusetts' post-Newtown gun control legislation---An Act To Strengthen and Enhance Firearms Laws in the Commonwealth---is old news. Governor Duvall Patrick filed the legislation back in January. Think of it as political cover. But don't...

FNS-9 Contest Entry: How to Avoid Being Killed by Federal Law Enforcement Agents

By Bob Greetings! My name is Bob. Well, actually it isn't but for the purposes of this submission that's the name I am going to use. You see, I am employed by a Federal Law Enforcement...

Irresponsible Gun Owners of the Day: U.S. Park Police

In preparation for next week's move to The Lone Star State, my FFL and I carefully re-inventoried my firearms. Description, pictures, serial numbers. Paper and flash drive copies. Given the civilian disarmament movement's willingness...

Brit Bobby Bangs Babe…Britches, Belt and Beretta By His Boots

Here's a thought experiment: you're a UPS delivery dude. One day, you get an itch, veer off your appointed route and make a little pitstop to visit the female half of a couple to...

Chino, CA Police Officer [Not Shown] Injures Three in Grade School Negligent Discharge

60 In the grand tradition of DEA agent Lee Paige (above), a Chino, California police officer injured three students when he negligently discharged his firearm during a, um, safety demonstration at Newman Elementary School this...

Real Reason Detroit Police Chief Leaves Carjacking: He’s Not a Cop

  "Police Chief James Craig was limited in what action he could have taken against a perceived carjacker because Detroit’s top cop isn’t certified as an officer," reports. You hurt your what? "Craig is...

Police Militarization For Fun and Profit

"Few galas can boast as many lights, cameras and action as the Houston Police Foundation gala." With a lead like that you gotta know this gem from is going to be a great story....

Retiring NYC Police Commissioner Wants 6 Taxpayer-Funded Full-Time Bodyguards

"Outgoing Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly wants to take half a dozen detectives to protect him and his family after he leaves the NYPD, DNAinfo New York has learned. "Citing the fact that he will remain a...

Long Beach Police Shooting Gallery?

153 The wimps at the Los Angeles CBS station don't show the moments when Long Beach police open fire on a clearly mentally disturbed woman holding a pistol. And they buried the key fact---the two-hour...

OMG! Another Hunter Walking! In Wisconsin! OMG!

Remember that University of Wisconsin student who was recently tracked down by the Madison PD after they received frantic calls about a camo-clad man with a gun? Yeah, he was only a hunter returning...

Just Another Night On Smith Street

By Chris Hernandez So there I was, minding my own business, taking a bathroom break at the station. This was late on New Year’s Eve in a small town. I was just a rookie with...

Once More (With Feeling): The Only Reason For Registration Is . . .

64 From Canada's National Firearm Association daily media report : December 17, 2013 Airdrie, Alberta Mr. Ian McPhail, Q.C., Interim Chair Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP National Intake Office P.O. Box 88689, Surrey, BC  VEW 0X1 Dear Mr. McPhail: RE:  HIGH RIVER...