MO Police Shooting Leads to Neighborhood Looting. Or Did It?

95 So a Ferguson, Missouri cop shot a young black man two days ago. Here's the police version of events : "County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two...

BREAKING: Michael Brown Was Shot “At Least Six Times”; More Rioting, Shots Fired in...

St. Louis TV station KSDK is reporting that 90 minutes in advance of another midnight curfew, police have swiftly moved through another line of protesters who were throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails. Once of the...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Umbrella Lock-Down Edition

  Just what in Sam Hill is going on in the image above? OK, we know that cops were responding to a call of a man with a rifle at Cal State San Marcos. "Campus...

Border Patrol Agent Fires at Armed Militia Member

The Border Patrol has for decades adopted strict policies about the firing their weapons. In the most famous recent case, Border patrolman Brian Terry was killed in a firefight in which the patrolman used...

Federal Bureaucracy Holding Up Police De-Militarization

Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Or, indeed, bureaucracy. Case in point: the stymied post-Ferguson move to ditch MRAPs, "tanks," full-auto rifles and other Pentagon provided kit. First, the good news...

GA Grand Jury No-Bills SWAT Team for Flash-Banged Toddler

"While labeling the drug investigation that ended with the disfigurement of a toddler 'hurried and sloppy,' a Habersham County grand jury on Monday ruled the law enforcement officers involved should not face criminal charges,"...

WI Small Town Police Go MRAP-Happy!

"I've been involved in about five standoff situations where, as soon as the MARV showed up, the person gives up, saving time, money and increasing safety." That's Sheriff's Capt. Greg Bean paean to his 2001...

Oops! Kissimmee, FL Wrong House No-Knock Raid

"All I see is guns pointed at me, officers coming through the door. I hear, 'boom, boom, boom,' two to three times," reports That's how King Baker described being awoken Thursday by members...

St. Louis Police Apologize for Toy Gun Parental Advisory

70 The shooting and killing of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old Airsoft-wielding boy shot by a Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehmann seconds after he arrived on the scene, did not go unnoticed in St. Louis. Someone...

Bad Guys Pretending to be Police. Kobayashi Maru?

"Law enforcement officers are searching for two assault suspects who hid in bushes, posed as police officers and chased a man and his girlfriend down an apartment hallway," reports. Jack Permison read this...

Guns of the Australian Terrorist Attack

The seige at the Lindt cafe in Sydney Australia is over. Here are some firearms images from the incident, many of which are from  Russia's, which, by the way, is definitely not a work or...

LA County Sheriff Loses Beanbag Shotgun

By Johannes P. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies have lost a beanbag shotgun that went missing from the trunk of a Sheriff's Department vehicle after a 33-mile, hour-long drive from Agoura Hills to Hollywood on Saturday. "The...