Self-Defense Tip: Do Not Consent to a Police Search of Your Car

It has become a hallmark of advice from lawyers: do not give consent to police to search your vehicle or your home. If they had probable cause to search, they don't need to ask....

‘Snowball Fight’ Incident May Not Have Been What it Looked Like

Earlier this morning, our quote of the day highlighted an incident in the New York City suburb of New Rochelle in which a police officer supposedly pulled his gun on a group of yoots...

Is Smart911, “911 On Steroids”, a Threat to Gun Owners?

65 Reader Michael L. writes: I received a notification that my county police department has instituted a system called Smart911. From my research it is a private company that sells their service to government entities. It...

TX Bill Would Limit Photographing Cops, Discriminate Against Anyone Carrying a Gun

With the progress of a bill moving through the Texas legislature that would legalize the open carry of handguns (at least for CCW license holders), Second Amendment rights in the Lone Star state seem...

What Part of “Shall Not Be Infringed” Does the MD State Police Not Understand?

"A trooper stopped a new Toyota Tundra on Saturday because the driver was using a cellphone while driving," reports. "What Cpl. T. Bean found was a vehicle loaded with more than a dozen...

Capitol Police Leaving Their GLOCKs Wherever They Damn Well Please

“'The Department takes very seriously all breaches of Department rules and has established policies that address such matters,' said Lt. Kimberly Schneider." The "such matters" Lt. Schneider's talking about is a rash of shockingly...

Bob Owens: Cops Shouldn’t Bear GLOCKs

Writing for the steadfastly anti-gun, Bob Owens of reckons police shouldn't carry GLOCKs. In the grand tradition of such things, he begins with anecdotes. "Timothy Stansbury died in a New York housing project...

Was Waco Biker Brawl A Police Massacre?

"A shoving match in a bathroom at a Confederation of Clubs meeting in Waco, Texas exploded into a war," observes. "Nine people were killed, 27 people were injured, 17 were hospitalized, two are...

Question of the Day: Are The Police Trigger-Happy? 

In the wake of the Waco biker shooting, where authorities refuse to release the video footage and the full autopsy reports on the bikers shot to death by police at Twin Peaks restaurant (post to...

Waco Judge Bans Release of Biker Shooting Video, Gags Case Against Cops

We've been reporting on the Waco biker shooting since the Twin Peaks incident first hit the 'net. The first clue that the authorities were covering up the police shootings: the cops arrested 100 people...

Jon Wayne Taylor to Law Enforcement: How to Deal with Gun Owners

I often hear that no matter what a member of law enforcement is telling you to do, you should obey the officer immediately. People often argue that the only safe thing to do is...

Police Militarization Revealed

The issue of police militarization has faded from the headlines since Ferguson, but SWAT teams are still out there, somewhere. Hopefully not outside your door, waiting to throw flash-bangs into your living room. But outside...