Ahmaud Arbery police taser video

Video Shows Police Attempt to Use a Taser on Ahmaud Arbery

https://youtu.be/1v7o_6uI9R0 By Russ Bynum, AP A video released Monday shows police in Georgia attempting to search Ahmaud Arbery's parked car in 2017 and when he refuses to let them and begins to walk back to the...
parkland sheriff captain jan jordan perimeter EMT

Report: Broward County Sheriff Capt. Kept EMTs Out of Stoneman Douglas High After Shooting

And you thought the details of what happened in Parkland couldn't have made the Broward County Sheriff's Department look any worse. First we learned that the BCSD had 39 prior encounters with the shooter...
scott israel fired removed desantis

Buh Bye! Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Removes Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel

Again, the only scandal bigger than how long it took to remove this feckless, self-impressed clown from his job is the number of lives that were lost as a result of his mismanagement and...
swat team gun confiscation

So You Think Tyranny Can’t Happen Here?

By Miguel A. Faria, M.D. When discussing government overreach, which incidentally continues unimpeded, or the danger of the monopoly of force concentrated in the hands of government in the way of law enforcement, especially from...
civil unrest riot looting gun store surge

Americans Heard the Calls to ‘Defund the Police,’ Then Bought Millions of New Guns

If soaring gun sales are a guide, millions of Americans are with the McCloskeys. This week the FBI announced a record 3.9 million background checks for June, the highest monthly total since the FBI...
Molly Moon's ice cream shop bans police

Seattle Ice Cream Shop Bans Cops Carrying Guns

Business must be booming these days for a chain of Washington State ice cream shops, because Molly Moon's had no problem banning uniformed police officers from bringing guns inside their shops. The owner of...
Lancaster police shooting knife video

Riots, Looting in Lancaster, PA After Cop Shoots and Kills Perp Who Chased Him...

We've arrived at a point in this country where any use of a firearm by a police officer against a suspect -- no matter how violent or dangerous the perp may have been --...
LeBron James

Brutal: LA County Sheriff Calls Out LeBron James, Wants Him to Match Reward for...

We've been critical of LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva in the past as he's no friend of gun owners or civilian gun rights. But credit where it's due for a well-played move. LeBron James...
tarzan ron ely

Tarzan Actor Ron Ely Disputes Santa Barbara DA’s Finding that Police Were Justified in...

Last year, Cameron Ely, son of TV Tarzan Ron Ely, fatally stabbed his mother. When police arrived, they found the younger Ely outside the family home in Santa Barbara County. Police claim that Cameron...

NYPD’s Choice of Firearm May Have Contributed to the Terrible Shooting

That's "terrible shooting" as in "you can't hit the broad side of a barn" and not the "oh the humanity" meaning of the phrase. Not that eleven people ending up with some extra orifices...

Police Shootings Triggered by Subject’s Demeanor, Not Race

Force Science Institute writes:  It’s all about a subject’s demeanor—not about race, ethnicity, or attire—when encounters with police escalate to violence, according to a new study from Washington State U . . . Activist groups and mainstream...

VIDEO – Antifa Member Shot To Death After Drawing Down on Eugene, OR Cops...

Charlie Landeros, aged old enough to know better, loved his far-left activism. He belonged to an armed Antifa group we've covered, training "oppressed peoples" in armed self-defense. And now he's no longer with us after...