500 Guns Stolen from Cleveland TX Police Evidence Room

Chron.com reports that thieves removed some 500 deadly weapons from the Cleveland, Texas police evidence room. The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recovered just 112 of the missing firearms from...

False Alarm Triggers Shotgun Party at Jackson Estate

Whyfame.com (why fame indeed) reports that TMZ.com reports that the LA Police responded to a burglar alarm at the Jackson family compound in Encino last night. "Five armed LAPD officers entered through the front...

The Department of Justice Doth Proclaim Too Much

The feds would like the public to file all their law enforcement efforts under "Your Tax Money Hard at Work." But sometimes you gotta wonder. For example, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is today...

What Not to Do in Chula Vista When You Don’t Want to Be Dead

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHQIEKrTpSk "The guns, a Beretta shotgun and a Sig. Sauer 9 mm duty weapon, and ammunition had been locked in the trunk of a 2005 Honda Accord that was reported stolen March 17...

New Zealand Moving Towards Arming Police

Once upon a time, England was known for the fact that its police didn't carry firearms. At least by Americans, whose law enforcement officials have been armed and dangerous for well over a hundred...

Maniac Murders Wife with A Rifle: Hillsborough County Coverup?

Maine's Manchester Union Leader is attempting to hold the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department's feet to the fire for its failure to remove firearms from a man they were ordered to disarm. On October 20,...

Florida: M4 Carbine Swiped from SWAT

Officer John Foshee would have been our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day. But I've already awarded that dubious distinction to a mother whose firearms tolerance proved fatal. So let's just say that...

The Other Side of the New Orleans Gun Confiscation Issue

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm5PC7z79-8 When the New Orleans Police and Louisiana National Guard disarmed New Orleans citizens at the point of a gun (or a hundred), the news of the event reverberated throughout America's firearm fraternity like the...

Off-duty Officer Carjacked

I encountered this in the crime section of today's Baltimore Sun: Off-duty D.C. police officer carjacked. "The 44-year-old officer told police he was driving home on Harford Road and East 25th Street at about...

“ATF Canine Handlers Train Mexican Law Enforcement”

The quote marks indicate that I didn't write that headline. Because that would be insulting to . . . someone. At the risk of racial profiling, I am aware that Mexicans have got that...

Meggitt Training Systems Part I – SHOTT House

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATKF-0whQ1w Commenting on a previous TTAG piece about confronting intruders in your home, reader MikeD shed some light on the immensely dangerous activity of clearing a building: I work out with a large portion of my...

FBI Releases 2009 Stats on 49 Agents Killed in the Line of Duty

The FBI emailed us the following press release, which reveals the starting fact that criminals killed two more agents than agents who died in unspecified accidents (49 vs. 47). According to preliminary statistics released today...