U.S. Monitors Solvent Trap Purchases, Shares the Data with Australia, Leads to Arrests

Australia has no Second Amendment, no Fourth Amendment, no Fifth Amendment, no First Amendment. There are only a few rights actually protected by the Australian constitution, and they are weakly protected. But what about ours?...

Why Most Cops Are Lousy Shots

"On Tuesday evening, the Salinas City Council voted to give the police department the go ahead to buy 70 new shotguns for $47,905, specifically Remington 870s with a price tag of approximately $627 each,"...

Quote of the Day: The Ferguson Effect Hits UK Police, Too

"Officers have seen what happens to their colleagues who have had to use lethal force to protect the public. Increasingly, they seem to be portrayed as suspects, based, I can only assume, on an...

Force Science Institute: Cops Debate Warning Shots

The Force Science Institute asked their law enforcement audience for their opinion on warning shots. This, after the International Association of  Chiefs of Police Chiefs recommended that police agencies OK warning shots under certain guidelines. According the FSI, 90 percent of...

SIG SAUER to NJ State Police: Blame Your Cheap Ammo, Not Us

Last week we reported that the NJ State Police are suing SIG SAUER because, according to the NJSP, the P229 handguns that SIG SAUER sold them were jam-o-matics. SIG SAUER has since responded and, according to their diagnosis,...

San Bernardino Terrorist Attack: Cops Had 10 Percent Hit Rate

"The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s 55-page interoffice memo . . . lays out exactly how law enforcement officers from multiple agencies responded to the Inland Regional Center within minutes of the attack and killed...

Fort Worth Police Officer on Shotgun ND: I Wasn’t Trained Properly

The family of Craigory Adams wants to know if Fort Worth police officer Courtney Johnson shot their relative by accident. That depends on what you call an accident. From star-telegram.com: A police officer on trial...

Columbia, SC Police Chief Holbrook: Open Carry Puts Officers in Danger

William H. “Skip” Holbrook (above) is the Chief of the Columbia Police. Writing for thestate.com, Chief Holbrook wants the citizens under his protection to know that "the right to bear arms is fundamental to our...

The Second Stupidest Thing You Can Do At A Traffic Stop

https://youtu.be/LW-0XfLTCrA There are a lot of stupid things you can do when pulled over by the police. The first most stupid thing you can do: try to shoot the cop. The second? Throw the gun...

CapArms Question of the Day: Stop & Search…Yes or No?

https://youtu.be/YVN2oeitCBI The UK is a lost cause, individual rights-wise. The good professor above can point out the non-existent effect of stop and search in the U.K. until he's blue in the face without having any...

Chicago Cops’ Mostly Gun-Free “Strategic Subject List” Revealed

"As Chicago endured a devastating surge in gun violence last summer, scores of people with long rap sheets stood atop the Chicago Police Department’s secret watch list,"chicago.suntimes.com reports. The Sun-Times leads with an example of...

Houston, Texas Drive-By Shooting Has Happy Ending

https://youtu.be/lrk7es9ZKdA "Harris County deputies were working in uniform at an off-duty security job for Johnny B’s Outlaw Saloon at around 2 AM Friday morning," the YouTube caption reports. "A fight broke out in the...