A Badge, a Gun and a Quota

I loved Dragnet, Adam-12, Hill Street Blues, Homicide: Life on the Street, NYPD Blue, CSI and a lot of other cop shows. I haven't caught The Wire yet, but the DVD set is on...

This Gun Is Hot!

or at least warm. As per the Globe's Metro Desk, Boston police have a new gizmo to link perps with pieces: When the Bullard TI Commander camera is pointed at a recently discarded handgun, the...

Omaha Gun Amnesty Yields a Box of Broken Ass Guns

Gun amnesties are, of course, a farce. No criminal is his right mind---and what gun-wielding criminal is?---would walk up to a cop and turn in a perfectly good gun. Unless, of course, there was...

Wired Weekend for Baltimore Police

I got myself a DVD set of The Wire for my birthday. The show was renowned for its gritty realism, and despite the violence, even my wife is transfixed by the stories and characters,...

Guns and Lives Take Lives. And This is How Stats Are Manipulated

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHz9ILcIPTo At some unspecified expense to the country's beleaguered taxpayers, the South Yorkshire police (UK) run a program called "Guns and Knives Take Lives." (Yes, people wielding weapons take lives, not the weapons themselves. Can we...

Maryland Police Pursue Video Biker Boy . . . And Others. Are We There...

I used to watch Max Headroom, starring Matt Frewer and Matt Frewer's voice, which depicted a not-too-distant future UK in which the police only restrained themselves from beating on reporters while the cameras were...

“I love my koi fish more than anything but I’d never point a loaded...

Austin Texas' SWAT team is feeling the heat, after swooping down on a suspected koi rustler. "Eric Philippus, 43, said 10 to 12 police officers came to search his house about 10 a.m. yesterday,...

“Clearly, rapid aggressive action by a single actor has been and is now the...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ13CZ4Hekg Ever since the massacre at Columbine, U.S. law enforcement officials have gradually realized that a responding officer facing what's called an "active shooter" (a.k.a. spree killer) can't wait for the SWAT team to arrive. The...

Caution! 911 May NOT Be the Number to Call After a Shooting

Earlier today, I posted the following statement: "In battle, you do what you gotta do, live, call 911 and deal." The 911 part of the formula is no small point. All your go-to gun...

Costco Statement On Shooting Death Of Erik Scott

On July 10, 2010, Erik Scott died tragically at the Costco Wholesale warehouse in Summerlin, Nevada, as a result of shots fired by Metro Police. Costco has consistently refrained from any public comment in connection...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Chief Steve Sibbrell

What's the trick to training a dog? Buy the right dog. What's the trick to choosing men and women capable of handling lethal force on society's behalf? Hire the right people. Obviously, that's easier...

Why You Should Keep Your Car in Perfect Tune

"Phillip Ransom thought he had trouble Thursday night when his old van broke down on the side of the road, booming out backfires," kansascity.com reports. "Two Kansas City police officers, mistaking the van’s backfires...