Question of the Day: Are Cops Too Fat for Gunfights? What About You?

A gun is a great leveler. A small, weak, handicapped and/or elderly person can defend themselves against any attacker. Yes well, there are handicaps and there are handicaps. In one of his recent email blasts,...

Can Australian Gun Rights be Saved?

Short answer: no. The reason that I say this is not because of how the Australian police reacted to a 12-year-old playing with a toy rifle in his own backyard. Reading the report...

SHOT Show: Baker Ballistics Shields Shield Active Shooter Shooters

As you might imagine, as school administrators should imagine, confronting a potential active shooter inside a school is about as dicey a proposition as you can get without sleeping on a craps table. Tactically,...

Scientific American: Socialism Stops Gun Deaths

It's not very scientific and it sure ain't American. But John Horgan at just up and goes for it in a rant entitled A modest proposal for curbing homicides: Socialism. Well, not at first....

Discovery Channel “Kidnap and Rescue” Tomorrow, 9pm


Why Did the N.C. Division of Alcohol Law Enforcement Buy 150 Kimber 1911s?

This story pushes so many of TTAG's buttons it makes Lt. Sulu look chronically under-employed. More than a few members of our Armed Intelligentsia sent me the link to this morning's, wherein we...

“Before the proliferation of such less-lethal techniques as CEDs, pepper spray and bean bag...

10 So Taser sends me a Tweet linking to Dr. Keith Wesley's study on Excited Delirium. That's the name given to the tendency of Tased perps to up and die on their police handlers. Unlike...

Iowa Police Chief: We Won’t Stop and Search CCW Holders. Unless We Do.

Every now and then, with great but no longer alarming regularity, the British Nanny State gently presses down on the jackboot lying across their subjects' throats. Individual freedoms within The Land of Hope and Glory have...

Hoplophobics Unite! Post-911 Paranoia is at Hand!

"A journalist smuggled a replica handgun into the European Parliament in Brussels as Prince Charles walked past him," reports. "Yann-Antony Noghes, reporting for French TV, slipped through an unguarded side door with the...

Connecticut Considers Gun Offender Registry

We've already flagged Connecticut's push to ban high-capacity firearms magazines from civilians (not law enforcement officers, manufacturers or gunsmiths). And now "Connecticut is considering legislation that could make it the first state to require...

Canadian Hippies Freak at Police Sniper Rifle Photo

On Tuesday, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OACP) marched against poverty. How marching helps eliminate poverty I have no idea, although many socialists believe that "raising awareness" is as important as raising taxes. Anyway, some...

Question of the Day: Gun Owner Pulled Over for Speeding. What Would You Do?

Over at, AussieRogue tells of an encounter with the cops. The po-po pulled the poster for speeding. AussieRogue's response was typical of many "innocent" citizens who see complete compliance with the police as...