Conroe Texas Police Officer Shotgun Fail

If someone's aiming a gun at you, you are in deep, deep trouble. You have exactly three options, attack (shooting first might work), retreat (dive for cover if cover be had) or face the...

TX Cop Accused of Assassination

I blame the unions. The teachers' union and the police union and all the other unions that place job security over job performance. Bad apples are left to rot on the vine. Then, when...

Potato Guns Are Illegal in California. Who Knew?

[youtube] reports: A 35-year-old Red Bluff man faces possible criminal charges for firing a homemade "potato gun" near his neighbor's home . . . At 9:05 p.m. on Sunday, one of William Puffenbarger's neighbors called...

Pittsburgh Family Sues FBI Over Wrong Address SWAT Raid

We've documented the proliferation of no-knock SWAT raids and the militarization of what used to be everyday police work. It's even worse when the paramilitaries get their information wrong and knock down the wrong...

In Defense of . . . SWAT

From TTAG Commentator reaganmarine84: WTF is wrong with most of the people on this blog? Where has all this hostility for Law enforcement come from? You all sound like a bunch of 60′s hippies. Next thing...

Seattle Police Officer Displays Marksmanship. Or Lack Thereof.

"The incident occurred after two groups left a lounge at Seventh Avenue South and South Lane Street," reports. "The officer was in a parking lot and watched as the groups wandered into the middle of Seventh...

Law Enforcement, Like Politics, Ain’t Beanbag

9 It's been a "less lethal" day here at TTAG. Which is how we like it. First the taser discussion, and now beanbags. Only one problem. If you're going to shoot beanbags from your shotgun,...

Denver PD Officer Fired for Using Unauthorized Tracer Rounds

The Denver PD fired officer Robert Fitzgibbons last month over an incident that took place last July. Let no one say the city or DPD rushed to judgement on this one. The problem? Fitzgibbons...

Fort Smith AR Cops Scam New ARs from Taxpayers

  In case you hadn't noticed, the U.S. has too many cops (and not enough armed citizens). What's more, the police have become militarized. Like a gun on the wall at the beginning of a...

Calling Foghorn: Deconstruct Cop Gun Death Stat STAT

Stats can kill. Rational analysis. Whenever you see a stat-based MSM story, you can bet that someone somewhere is trying to "sell" a particular point of view. For example, this from "Police officer...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer Ryan Metz

It’s an unfortunate fact that in any large population of gun owners, a certain small percentage of them either won’t know enough or refuse to store their firearms responsibly. The results of which are...

Is Elk Grove Anywhere Near Canton, Ohio?

From the Sacramento Bee: An Elk Grove police officer acted lawfully in January when he fired his AR-15 rifle at a handcuffed suspect, seated in the back of a patrol car, who officers thought...