Self-Defense Tip: After a Defensive Gun Use, Sleep on It

  In Meatloaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Light, the hormone-crazed singer's girlfriend won't let him score a home run until and unless he promises to love her forever. His initial response: "Let me sleep on...

Question of the Day: Do We Need More Cops or More Armed Citizens?

  When I lived in the UK, the BBC ended every single news story about any social ill by moaning about money. The unspoken assumption: anything can be solved with enough government spending. Except, of...

Don’t Want to be Shot in Chicago? You Probably Don’t Have to Worry. Much.

The city of Chicago has done everything it legally can (not to mention some that have been found illegal) to avoid having a shooting range built within city limits. But judging by general state...

NY Cops May Have Killed Bystander With One of 71 Stray Bullets

45 In another example of appalling marksmanship by members of law enforcement, it appears that a bystander who was killed during one of the 52 shooting events that occurred in New York City over the...

Playground Safety First! Maryland-National Capital Park Police Buys 17 Bushmaster ARs

9 Hard on the heels of news that Amtrak police have purchased 100 Bushmaster M4-Type Patrolman’s Carbine rifles comes word that the Maryland-National Capital Park Police are down for 17 of the same. They'll use them to protect 400 parks,...

Self-Defense Tip: You’re Not the Good Guy

22 "Police said the man who was shot picked up an officer's gun that had fallen to the ground and, at one point, turned toward several police officers," reports. Wait. What? "Police were called about a...

The Death of a Four-Legged Friend Inspires Police Introspection

A good friend of mine posted about his dog on Facebook. He claimed police shot his best friend without provocation . According to my pal, he and his wife were out on a Saturday afternoon....

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Police Machine Pistol Edition

The Greenwood, Indiana PD has a gun problem. As in too many of them. Or too many of the wrong kind, to be more accurate. And by the wrong kind, we mean six Glock...

Three Off-Duty LA Deputies in Fraternal Shootout

  "Three Los Angeles County deputies were relieved of duty, and two of them were arrested following an off-duty shooting incident near La Mirada Regional Park," reports. "Deputy Pete Gomez of the sheriff's media bureau said he could...

Rocky Mount, NC ShotSpotter: Solution in Search of a Problem?

7 According to, Rocky Mount, North Carolina is safer than 10 percent of the cities in the United States. I think that's a nice way of saying they have a crime problem. The city of 60k...

NYCLU Study: TASERs Gone Wild

  The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) has released a study claiming that police throughout the Empire State are overusing and misusing TASERs. Click here to read Taking Tasers Seriously; The need for better...

Two Tales of Golden State Hopolohobia

First, a story worthy of Caddyshack from the "A San Diego County sheriff's deputy, responding to an emergency call Thursday from San Marcos residents about an 'armed suspicious person' in their neighborhood, shot at...