Winnipeg Police Can Now Carry Off-Duty in Civvies

The Winnipeg police have been busy defending the Long Gun Registry---against the wishes of both retired cops and Canadian gun owners. Both of whom see the Registry as intrusive, ineffective, onerous and expensive. Even...

Chicago Gun Buy-Back Program a Total Failure

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the "Don't Kill a Dream, Save a Life Gun Turn-In" program collected more than 4,000 weapons yesterday. "Police say they gathered 55 assault weapons, 660 replica weapons, more than...

FBI Releases 2009 Stats on 49 Agents Killed in the Line of Duty

The FBI emailed us the following press release, which reveals the starting fact that criminals killed two more agents than agents who died in unspecified accidents (49 vs. 47). According to preliminary statistics released today...

A Badge, a Gun and a Quota

I loved Dragnet, Adam-12, Hill Street Blues, Homicide: Life on the Street, NYPD Blue, CSI and a lot of other cop shows. I haven't caught The Wire yet, but the DVD set is on...

575,000 New York City Stop and Frisks Yields 762 Guns

The New York TImes reports that "Blacks and Latinos were nine times as likely as whites to be stopped by the police in New York City in 2009, but no more likely to be...

Blackhawk (Gets) Down

Our man Kozak's left his luxury digs for the show floor at the National Rifle Association (NRA) convention in Charlotte, N.C. Greeting our intrepid reporter: a Man in Black who has mastered the art of...

Detroit SWAT Team Shoots Seven-Year-Old Aiyana Jones

Don't give me grief about this one. I know: day in, day out, SWAT teams risk their lives in the endless pursuit of public safety. THEY are FAR more likely to be killed by...

Why You Should Never Make A Cop Angry or Nervous

2 Is the biker an armed robber fleeing the scene of the crime? A suspect in a murder? Meanwhile, notice that the plains clothes cop doesn't identify himself as a member of the State Police...

1000 ft. School Exclusion Zones vs. The Second Amendment

The above image is from a Connecticut group campaigning against the relocation of a power plant. It gives you a pretty good idea how difficult it is for someone on the ground to figure...

Is Filming the Police Legal?

0 You may recall that Farago posted that video of the policeman stopping the motorcyclist in, Why You Should Never Make A Cop Angry or Nervous. Well, posting the video on Youtube sure made the cops...

Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale Guns Down Rivals; Why The SWAT Team Didn’t Take a...

1 Variety reports that Grey's Anatomy's season finale was a hit. The show wasn't as big a hit as last year's finale, but what do you want, blood? Well yes, obviously. Before I share...

San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore: Concealed Carry Permit Holder Must Be “Specific Target”

San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore is up for re-election. In the run up to that blessed event, Sheriff Gore is facing mounting criticism for his department's extreme reluctance to issue concealed carry permits to...