Quote of the Day: Mission Creep Edition

"Virginia Tech and Columbine. Now, let’s look at the numbers: Any given middle school, high school, or college in America can expect to have exactly one homicide on its campus every 12,000 years. So...

STL PD: Resistance is Futile

This new media thing certainly brings with it some oddities. Like working with Dan and Robert for the better part of 2011 having never actually met them face-to-face. Thanks to Nick’s trip down to...

Depressed in DC? Don’t Let the Cops Know About It.

Mathew Corrigan is an Army reservist who was battling depression and insomnia. Wanting some help with the problems, he called what he thought was the military's emotional support help line. Instead, he mistakenly called...

NY Gov Cuomo’s $2m “Anti-Gun” Initiative

“These initiatives will give communities the tools they need to effectively fight gun violence and reduce crime," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday,"making the state a safer and better place to live...

In Defense of . . . the TSA

Following is an extended comment in response to the post OMG! A Speargun! On a Plane!: My comment in the recent "OMG...on a plane" post reminded me of an incident I want to share with...

OMG, OMG! He Has Guns! In His Car! OMG!

http://kstu.vid.trb.com/player/PaperVideoTest.swf California? Yeah, I'll buy that. Massachusetts? New York? Sure. But Utah? As our friends at the Brady Campaign recently verified for us, it's hard to find a more firearms-friendly locale than the Beehive State....

Chief Anderson to Open Carry Tuscaloosans: We Ask, You Tell

In yesterday's Quote of the Day, Tuscaloosa Police Chief Steve Anderson announced his department's new "proactive" approach to citizens exercising their legal right to openly carry firearms in his city. A local member of TTAG's Armed...

Cop Shoots Dog [NSFW]


“Texas Navy” Launches First of Six Rio Grande Gunboats

I used to sell boats. These things probably set my state back at least $5m dollars. Not to mention the ongoing price of running the damn things. And for what reason? We could just...

Eugene (OR) SWAT Safety Fail

registerguard.com has a story on a $600k lawsuit brought by Officer Brian Hagen against the city of Eugene, Oregon. Hagen says he was punished for raising safety concerns about the city's SWAT team. Testifying in...

Detroit Rolls Out “Virtual 911”


Sanford Commissioners Vote No Confidence in Chief Bill Lee Jr. After Trayvon Martin Shooting

The Sanford, Florida city commission, in a 3-2 vote, signaled their lack if confidence in police chief Bill Lee Jr. over the handling of the Trayvon Martin shooting investigation. What that vote means, though,...