New Haven Bar Prez-to-Be Arrested With Gun in Movie Theater

Ah yes. Sung-Ho Hwang decided to take in a late showing of The Dark Knight Rises last night. He also decided - seeing as how the movie wasn't scheduled to let out until about...

OK K9 Law: Some Dogs Are More Equal Than Others

"In Oklahoma, killing a K9 is classified as a misdemeanor charge. That means whoever’s responsible could face up to a year in jail and $1,000 worth of fines" reports. Following the shooting death of...

NYPD: Ricochets Wounded Bystanders in Jeffrey Johnson Shooting

57 The security cam video of Jeffrey Johnson's final moments have hit the 'net. At the same time ABC  is reporting that " was cut down in a hail of 16 bullets that left Johnson riddled...

Police Militarism Goes Mainstream: Elite Tactical Unit: SWAT

Reality TV producers just can't seem to get enough guns and shoot-em-up competitions. If Stars Earn Their Stripes wasn't enough to get your blood flowing (a distinct possibility), Elite Tactical Unit: S.W.A.T. oughta do it....

Quote of the Day: Who Needs a .50 BMG Bull-Pup Sniper Rifle Edition

"Given the real-world capabilities of the caliber, the question remains whether law enforcement needs it. The answer is a resounding yes, depending on the agency. Does every agency need one? Of course not—that is...

Housekeeping: Is TTAG Anti-Cop?

  At the bottom of yesterday's post on a trigger-happy Texas cop, MotoJB and Rydak expressed their revulsion at our anti-police bias. As is our policy, I deleted the anti-TTAG flames and created this post for a no-holds...

One LEO’s Perspective: What About The Heroism?

131 The following was intended as a comment by reader accur81 under our Is TTAG Anti-Cop post. Unfortunately, the vagueries of the WordPress spam filter prevented him from hitting his target. There are a couple of...

UK Police Chiefs: We Don’t Want Guns

  Yesterday, two unarmed UK police officers died in a grenade and gun attack. The as-yet-unnamed perp murdered Pc Fiona Bone, 32, and Pc Nicola Hughes, 23; setting off a firestorm of firearms "debate." Needless to...

Gun Owners and LEOs: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

By TTAG reader Matt N. I’ve read a lot lately about the disconnect between law enforcement and armed citizens.  The discussion seems to center on examples of police militarization versus cases of police heroism.  Police...

Quote of the Day: Cops Are Civilians Too Edition

"While we can look like soldiers, sound like soldiers and sometimes even train with soldiers, we're not soldiers (unless the individual officer has membership in National Guard or Reserve military components). These days, it...