The Truth About Chicago Police Chief’s “Threat” to Shoot Concealed Carry License Holders

  “I don’t care if they’re licensed legal firearms, people who are not highly trained… putting guns in their hands is a recipe for disaster," Chicago’s Police Chief Gary McCarthy told a Windy City radio interviewer...

Black Helicopters Over Galveston, Houston. Wait. No.

  You remember our stories about black helicopters firing blanks over Miami and then Houston? Yesterday, the Army and Houston police apologized for not giving advance warning of a joint training exercise in southeast Houston. The Army...

UK Develops DNA Tagging Gun for Protesters

39 When a populace are disarmed subjects rather than armed citizens, when they don't have a written constitution or the right to silence, there are only two ways it can go: criminally controlled chaos with...

Gun Buybacks Exposed. Finally.

46 We've been saying it since the site began: gun buybacks do nothing to reduce crime and everything to waste time and taxpayer's money. (Note: even when companies foot the bill for gun buybacks the...

Confessions of a Modern Cop

  By LC Judas Those who wish to disarm the civilian populace and remove their rights to resist authority or defend themselves on equal ground with any opponent do not fully consider the role of cops...

When Only Police Have Guns . . .

  They shoot each other. Pittsburgh's tells the tale. "Allegheny County police Superintendent Charles Moffatt said the girlfriend told 911 dispatchers that her boyfriend had a gun and was distraught. She then locked herself in...

Firearms Laws: One Rule for You, One Rule for the FBI

  The recent and growing boycott of law enforcement agencies within New York by firearms industry folks is a fascinating and in some ways unprecedented development. It's the realization of a theme that we've been...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Use Geico’s Digital Insurance ID Card

67 TTAG reader Robert Bubb writes: I recently saw this Geico ad featuring the pig using his phone's Geico App to show a police officer his digital vehicle insurance card during a stop for...

Man’s Best Friendly Fire

  In the aptly named Memphis neighborhood of Nutbush, Officer Calvin Taylor was shot right in the, uh, leg, by a brother officer attempting to execute a search warrant. And fight off three pit bulls...

Shooting Victims to LAPD: Keep Your Truck and FOAD

Remember when LA's finest went a tad trigger happy in pursuit of cop killer Christopher Dorner? For a while there it was pretty much open season on any vehicle remotely matching the description of...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: hcetoE Edition

What's wrong with this picture? This was captured during the FBI raid on the home of Herkimer, NY shooting suspect Kurt Myers in Mohawk, NY. Anybody want to guess how many rounds this Special...

Gear Review: Taser Axon Flex

In the increasingly litigious world we live in, simply being of good character and stating the whole truth often isn't enough. Pictures can be taken out of context, witnesses can lie, and a good...