Question of the Day: Should Cops Who Shoot Innocents Lose their Guns?

Cops have a problem. Sure, they get their fair share -- OK, maybe a little more than that -- of criticism around here for a lot of conspicuously bad marksmanship. But bitching about it...

Cops: Gun Control Won’t Work

We've asked for permission to republish their survey of cops on gun control. While we await their reply, here's the NRA's press release on the eye-opening stats. With a bit of luck, this...

UPDATE: NY Police Claim Gun Grab A Case of Mistaken Identity

  You may recall that TTAG took a circumspect view of the incident involving New York pistol permit holder David Lewis. Mr. Lewis' lawyer claimed the Empire State Police had trolled his client's HIPAA-protected medical...

Sgt. Ron King Tells His Side of the Trayvon Martin Target Story

78 Sgt. Ron King was fired last week from the Port Canaveral, Florida police force for bringing two Trayvon Martin-style hoodie targets to a department training session. As Port Canaveral interim CEO John Walsh told...

Why Cops Love Gun Buybacks

44 Not to put too fine a point on it, gun buybacks have about as much to do with reducing crime as Jenna Dewan has to do with arc welding (that's Jennifer Beal's thing). At...

Locals Limit Pittsburgh Police Night Training

31 GMan writes: The local MSM ran a story on the police department's practice limitations: they're prohibited from shooting in low/adverse light unless neighbors green light the training. The agreement's based on complaints about noise pollution;...

Quote of the Day: Don’t Mess with Texas [Or Nemovskaya] Edition

16 "Before spikes, I was involved in at least 10 events where a vehicle was stopped by using a weapon. I've used shotguns, pistols, carbines, and machine guns. It does take a minute or two...

Brother Charged in California “Shelter in Place” Stabbing

  Remember the stabbing death of eight-year-old Leila Fowler ? The local po-po issued a shelter-in-place advisory. TTAG suggested the Calaveras cops' post-Boston lockdown response was a little OTT. Last night, they arrested Leila's brother, the...

Quote of the Day: One Toke Over the Line Edition

"To hear Mayor Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly explain it, stop-and-frisk is a messy but invaluable tool used to keep weapons off the street. But an analysis of stops in 2012 confirms that the tactic...

New York Set to Give Retired Cops SAFE Act Carve-Out

Pro-gun control pols are hypocrites. They're perfectly happy to pass laws that make it difficult if not impossible for law-abiding Americans to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear...

It Should Have Been a DGU: Budgetary Response Edition

"An unidentified woman called 911 during a weekend in August 2012 while Michael Bellah was breaking into her place. Her call was forwarded to Oregon State Police because of lay-offs at the Josephine County...

Active Shooter School Drill Highlights Lack of Armed Response

Is there any good reason why teachers, administrators and school staff shouldn't be allowed to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms within school grounds? Is there any...