Chicago Aviation Officer Active Shooter Plan: Run and Hide!

40 By Brandon via Filed under ‘things we will never understand’, a reader sent us the above news clip that discusses the day in a life of an aviation officer at Chicago's O'Hare and Midway...

Video of Iowa Cop Slipping on Ice, Shooting Woman While Trying to Shoot Her...

89 The Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation just released a 12-second copcam video taken when Burlington Police Officer Jesse Hill shot and killed Autumn Steele. According to Officer Hill and eyewitnesses, he was trying to shoot her...

The Truth About LA Deputy Shooting of Noel Aguilar?

125 On May 26, 2014, two Los Angeles County deputies killed 23-year old Noel Aguilar. A video has since surfaced of the incident. TTAG reader RB sent this analysis: When I first watched this video I...

LA Sheriff Department’s Swap to Smith & Wesson M&P Highlights Inadequate Police Training

In 2014, LA County Sheriffs Department (LASD) swapped out their Beretta 92F's for the Smith & Wesson M&P9; from a handgun with an external safety and an 11.5 pound initial trigger pull, to a handgun without an external safety...

Question of the Day: Does the Paris Attack Mean It’s Time to Reconsider Your...

151 "A few days ago I was listening to Michal Bane discussing the Paris terrorist attacks on his podcast and something he said encouraged me to get to the range and do some shooting," Ed head writes...

FLA Police Chiefs Support Open Carry While Sheriff Warns Open Carrier About ‘Taking One...

Margie Menzel writes: Acknowledging “momentum” behind a proposal that would allow people with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry guns, the Florida Police Chiefs Association said Thursday its board of directors had voted to back the controversial measure...

San Antonio ‘Suicide by Cop’ Deputies Cleared by Grand Jury

After responding to a domestic violence call, Gilbert Flores told Bexar County (San Antonio) police that he wanted to die. They obliged him (after trying to talk down the knife- and chair-wielding man and,...

Quote of the Day: Danger? Texas Lawman Reckons You’re Best Served By Calling the...

"Most times citizens are going to be best served and best protected by calling trained law enforcement officers whenever they feel their lives or property are in danger." - Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas...

This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace: French Police State Edition

French police are taking full advantage of the post-Paris terrorist attack "state of emergency." Thanks to some legal legerdemain, there's a blanket ban on the right to assemble, warrantless searches and home detention. "Police have carried...

BREAKING: Waco Police Killed Four Bikers in Twin Peaks Shooting

"Four of the nine people killed in a melee between rival biker gangs outside a Texas restaurant were struck by the same caliber of rifle fired by Waco police, according to evidence obtained by...

Hoplophobic Left Has Two Standards for Gun Control

In a recent New York Times opinion piece by Nicholas Kristoff titled On Guns, We Are Not Even Trying, the author bemoans how the nation has yet to pass gun control proposals such as...

Police in Chicago Give Hero his Gun Back

On April 17th, John Hendricks reacted quickly and accurately to stop a mass shooting, likely saving numerous lives. Hendricks was exercising his Constitutional rights in Chicago, a town where they had been suppressed for...