Protecting and Serving: Springfield, IL Police Seized Homeowner’s Gun After Investigating Her Report of...

"We're from the government and we're here to help." Those words should strike fear into the heart of any American. Too often government "protects and serves" the little people - good and hard -...
Cop police gun glock holster

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: Louisville Cop Wounds 2

You and I know that when a person fires his or her gun, they're responsible for it. They did something to cause the gun to discharge. Guns don't just "go off" by themselves, no...

Security Video Captures Off-Duty Chicago Cop Shooting a Man After Being Attacked

*Man physically attacks woman in broad daylight* "I'll kill you," the woman warns her attacker. "Oh, you about to kill me?" the attacker responds arrogantly. "Watch this." *gun shot* The great — Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) February 17, 2023 "'The tussle...
Sheriff Scott Jenkins

Sheriffs Who See Themselves as Ultimate Defenders of the Constitution are Especially Worried About...

By Mirya Holman, Tulane University and Emily Farris, Texas Christian University A gun control law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois in January 2023 immediately faced opposition from a group key to the law’s...

Illinois Sheriff: I Support the Constitution and the Second Amendment, But . . .

There have been many questions on where I stand regarding the assault weapons ban bill just signed into law. Following the horrifically tragic mass shooting right here in Highland Park, not seven months ago,...

34 Illinois Sheriffs (So Far) To Gov. J.B. Pritzker Over ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban: Go...

More and more Illinois sheriffs have a message for Governor J. B. Pritzker: Go pound sand.  Less than 48 hours after the big guy signed House Bill 5471 into law, 33 34 sheriffs have...
Concealed carry draw gun

Donohue: Constitutional Carry Degrades Police Performance…Or Something

Thirteen years ago, only two states — Vermont and Alaska — allowed its residents the unfettered right to carry a gun, relying on the Constitution’s Second Amendment as a blanket permit for all. Since 2010, however, nearly...
Kyle Lobo San Marcos PD ex cop

Drunken Texas Ex-Cop Shot Dead After Yet Another Violence Call At His Residence

An ex cop named Kyle Lobo "voluntarily" resigned from the San Marcos, Texas Police Department in October after "head-butting" his wife and punching and kicking an 11-year-old child. Upon his arrest at the time...
Baltimore shooing crime scene police

Soderberg: Politicians Talk About Seizing Illegal Guns, But It Does Nothing to Stop Violent...

Former Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld told me in 2018 that he began to realize that seizing guns was a bit like fighting the drug war. It felt “endless,” he explained. “In Baltimore, at the...

Chicago Mayoral Candidate Vallas Has a Plan to Attack City’s ‘Utter Breakdown Of Law...

Vallas unveils sweeping security plan to reverse ‘utter breakdown of law and order’ — Chicago Sun-Times (@Suntimes) December 13, 2022 Decrying the “utter breakdown of law and order” in Chicago, mayoral challenger Paul Vallas on...

Another California Sheriff Allegedly Sold Carry Permits for Campaign Contributions

Concealed carry weapon permits are issued by Sheriff Carlos Bolanos, who lost re-election in June. Bolanos has been the top law enforcement officer in the county since 2016. According to public records obtained and analyzed...

Florida Sheriff Apologizes to Blind Man After Deputies Mistook His White Cane for a...

A Florida sheriff apologized this week after a legally blind man was arrested when deputies mistook his walking cane for a gun. Deputy Jayme Gohde and her supervisor were suspended after arresting James Hodges,...