Maybe There’s a Good Reason the ChiComs Didn’t Arm Their Cops Sooner

"A handgun went off during a police safety talk at a kindergarten in the central Chinese city of Zhengzhou on Thursday, injuring four adults and one child, police said." You may remember that the...

Denver Cops Whip Out Their Pieces During Swing Party

Guns and booze don't mix. We all know that, right? Throw some sex into that admixture and you've got yourself a really combustible situation. Sadly, that's a lesson Denver officers Steve Loan and Jeremy Ownbey...

NRA Gun Guru Dom Raso Hearts Police Militarization

177 As his air quotes indicate, NRA gun guru Dom Raso doesn't have much time for people who bemoan "the build-up of law enforcement." He prefers to call police militarization "the evolution of a relationship between...

VIDEO: El Paso Cop Shoots And Kills Handcuffed Bodybuilder

223 TTAG reader Vhyrus writes: I am from this area so this hits close to home. A prisoner was being transported by police when he became aggressive and began struggling. At one point he was on...

NRA Commentator Dom Raso Hearts Police Militarization. Again. Still.

190 TTAG reader JF writes: It seems NRA commentator Dom Raso just doesn't get the pitfalls of up-arming every cop in America to the point where they could fight the Decepticons. He's made a new video...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: ‘Nuff Said? Edition

"An off-duty Kansas City police officer suffered a slight foot wound Wednesday when his service weapon inadvertently discharged," reports. "Kansas City police said the officer had stopped by a credit union in the...

Warwick, RI Police Ditch .9mm for .40 Ammo

"The Warwick Police Department issues every officer a SIG P229 – a semi-automatic pistol distributed Sig Sauer," reports. "However, an officer may use a weapon of his own choosing as long as it...

“Anonymous gun tip lines helping police confiscate more illegal weapons.” Or Not.

I sometimes wonder if the people writing mainstream media headlines bother to read the story beneath their header. Oh sure, they get the general gist of it. But I can't tell you the number of...

From the Annals of Police Militarization: Vets Heart MRAPs

"I've driven them quite a bit," Pocatello, ID PD Officer Nick Edwards tells re: the department's new MRAP. "We had quite a few of them assigned to us in Iraq." That's not the money shot for...

The Argument Against Gun Control: Ferguson, MO

I started following Dana Loesch a few months back when she appeared on The View to talk about why she became a conservative after years of being EXTRA liberal. So last night while I was...

The Ferguson Shooting Case – What’s Next?

Sometimes the wheels of justice grind slowly and sometimes they race around in circles like they’re competing for the Porsche Cup. In the Ferguson case, the latter seems to be the way it’s going....

WaPo’s Darren Wilson Article: Profile or Character Assassination?

The Washington Post has published a detailed article about Officer Darren Wilson, the Ferguson PD patrolman who shot and killed teenager Michael Brown, setting off a national furore about race and police militarization. The...