Does the Audio Recording of Shots Fired by Officer Darren Wilson Tell Us Anything?

CNN is reporting that a Ferguson resident happened to have recorded what he claims were the gunshots fired by Officer Darren Wilson at Michael Brown. Click on the image above to go to the...

Quote of the Day: The Second Amendment is an Individual Right Edition

“We need to address issues such as over-criminalization, excessive and disproportionate sentencing, inadequate indigent defense that is inconsistent with the Sixth Amendment, and the militarization of police. We have deep respect for the moral...

Antis: Only Cops Should Have Guns

63 Sorry to harp on about this, but it's important to understand that TTAG shines a bright light on police militarization, police negligent discharges and bad police shootings (including homicides) in part because doing so undermines the antis'...

Caught on Camera! Top Gamer SWATted Live [NSFW]

126 Talk about going viral . . . This video show a Littleton, Colorado SWAT team swooping down on The Creatures streaming collective founder Jordan "Kootra" Mathewson. It's added 1m views since yesterday. According to, someone...

Question of the Day: Should Cops Swear?

184 Yes, this is gun-related. I've seen a large number of police videos where peace officers draw their guns and then use obscene language to control suspected perps and other peeps. And I've wondered, WTF? Aren't...

Honolulu PD’s “Gun Safety” Protocol Revealed!

SPOILER ALERT! Keep the gun in the holster until you're ready to shoot and keep your finger off the trigger until you're really ready to shoot. Wonder how the HPD managed to have three...

Drunk Off Duty New York State Cop Shows Gun to Female Friend Outside of...

Some pro-gun folk reckon stories of police officers' negligent discharges, piss-poor shooting and over-zealous lead dispensation help the pro-gun cause. These reports supposedly undermine the antis' argument that cops are the only ones qualified to...

Random Thoughts About Good Cops

51 I haven't seen this episode of Have Gun Will Travel since, well, never. It's a bit of an eye-opener. Larry Tate, I mean, Marshall Tom Kerry is a perfect stereotype of a bad cop: vain,...

NYPD Officers Caught Pistol Whipping Suspected Marijuana Dealer

86 "According to court records, law enforcement sources and the video, the encounter started in front of 1311 St. John’s Place at 2:20 a.m. when three anti-crime officers spotted the 6-foot-2 teen peering into the...

All Law Enforcement Officers Should Wear Body Cams [Video NSFW]

241 Warning! The video above shows a Cleburne, Texas police office calling over a pair of stray dogs, who wag their tails at him - moments before he shoots them. One appears to survive the...

Anonymous Hacktivists: Ferguson PD Officer Wilson Will Not Be Indicted in Michael Brown Killing

Surveying the evidence released by various sources, it seems probable that the grand jury will not indict Officer Darren Wilson, the man who shot and killed African-American teen Michael Brown. Quoting anonymous sources, the...

NY Deputy Sees Rifle, Swears Like a Sailor, Slaps Citizen, Grabs Keys and Searches...

137 You don't really need a backstory to this gone-viral video. We publish it here because the entire incident was rifle-related. It all started when a man named Colin Fitch purchased a .22 caliber long gun....