Gun Heroes of the Day: Pro-2A Police

As a survey revealed, the majority of U.S. police officers support an armed citizenry. Why wouldn't they? With their hands-on experience dealing with criminals, they know how effective personal arms can be. They don't live in protected, "green...

MD Cops Shoot and Kill Cough Syrup Addict [Not Shown] for “Gun Finger” Gesture

"A man was shot dead after pointing his finger as if it was a gun at a police officer who was chasing him for trying to obtain cough syrup with a fake prescription,"...

“At least the Delaware PD will help finish you off if you have a...

37 Note: that headline is not my opinion of this piece; it was sent with the link Mother calls police shooting of son in wheelchair 'unjust' . Did the cops know the wheelchair-bound guy was suicidal? Did they know...

Study: Newbies Better Able to Kill Assailants With Head Shot Than Cops

Republished with permission from Force Science Institute: In a close up gunfight, who stands a better chance of delivering an immediately fatal shot to the head: an officer who has completed typical police firearms training...

NY Cops Bust “Ghost Gun” Sellers. Entrapment?

"Two New York men are accused of selling untraceable firearms known as 'ghost guns' to undercover investigators," reports. NY AG Eric Schneiderman is pleased. "Ghost guns represent a new, dangerous frontier of illegal firearm...

MBTA Officer Draws Gun on MA Bus

47 "The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Police Department in Boston is currently under fire, after video of an officer hitting an unarmed black woman with a baton on a bus went viral Friday," reports....

CA Police Helicopter Sniper Shoots and Kills Robbery Suspect

"A man wanted in a home invasion robbery near Los Angeles was shot to death Friday by a sharpshooter hovering above in a police helicopter," reports. The robbery suspect had led police on...

German Cop’s “Stray Bullet” Strikes Fellow Officer in the Kidney

I suppose the scandal here is that Germany let Rafik Mohamad Yousef, a "convicted terrorist and an asylum seeker," roam the streets of Berlin. The fact that said terrorist stabbed a German cop in the neck...

BREAKING: Waco Police Shot Bikers with “Multiple” Rifle Rounds

The Associated Press has "reviewed more than 8,800 pages of evidence related to the May 11 confrontation , including many police reports, and viewed dash-cam video and photos and listened to audio interviews." That would...

Failed ShotSpotter Technology Invades the Classroom

TTAG has ripped the ShotSpotter gunshot detection system a new one on several occasions (here, here, here, here and here). While Jeremy S is OK with it, I stand by my conclusion that ShotSpotter and its...

Sacramento PD Shoot Camera-Wielding Bystander

Let's start with this: "I think it's reasonable to think that the officers perceived an immediate threat either to themselves or continued threat to that individual ." That's Sgt. Jason Ramos' take on his officers decision...

West Palm Beach Police Answer to Gang Violence: Cops as Social Workers

41 To combat violent crime in general and "gun violence" in specific, West Palm Beach Police and West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio are introducing what they're calling "Neighborhood Enhancement Teams." They're talking about two five-member police squads...