WA SWAT Team Win Shootout – With 911 Caller

"The  had told Vancouver police that he spotted 59-year-old John Kendall in the 700 block of Northeast Blanford Drive," kgw.com reports. "A manhunt was under way at the time for Kendall, who deputies said...

BREAKING: Grand Jury Clears Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson

Confirming almost all expectations, a St. Louis County grand jury has "no true billed" Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson in the August shooting death of Michael Brown. While everyone from Brown's parents to President Obama...

Akron Homeless Man Gets 2 Yrs. in Prison for Stealing Police M16

So a cop pulls into a cop shop in Akron, Ohio. As Officer Distracted leaves the cruiser, he mistakenly hits the remote trunk release on his key fob. (ohio.com: "it appears a defective latch allowed the cruiser...

FBI Report: Bad Guys Shot and Killed 27 On-Duty Cops in 2013

The FBI has released the 2013 edition of its cheerfully titled Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted.  Once again, the greatest danger the police face is . . . accidental death. The report reports that 49 police officers...

Ferguson PD Botched Brown Investigation

The way I read it, Officer Darren Wilson's account of the Michael Brown shooting paints a picture of a pissing contest. While it looks like a good shoot, I don't think Officer Wilson did much in...

Road Rage Texas Reserve Deputy Constable Shoots Woman in the Head

http://www.kaltura.com/index.php/kwidget/wid/1_x9l1nvdr/uiconf_id/12411302 "A woman was traveling on the 610 South Loop near Stella Link during the evening rush hour commute on Nov. 11.," click2houston.com reports. "She said she was driving her car when she was cut off,...

Santa Cruz Cops Trial .9mm Smart Gun

"One procedure that failed in Ferguson was Officer Wilson’s attempt to call for backup. His radio was switched to the wrong channel," sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com reveals. "But a remarkable technology in California sets help in motion...

Beloit Police Chief: Let Us Search Your Homes for Guns

Beloit, Wisconsin Police Chief Norm Jacobs is serious about preventing crime in his town and has obviously taken the gun grabbers' gun-violence-as-a-public-health-issue approach to heart. "Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus is...

Are MD Cops Targeting Out-of-State Gun Owners for Traffic Stop Searches?

"A year ago this New Year’s Eve, John Filippidis of Florida was driving south with his family on Interstate 95 when the Maryland Transportation Authority (MTA) Police pulled over his black Ford Expedition and proceeded to...

Did NJ’s Anti-Gun Climate Lead to This Roadside Shooting?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys0OzmH_EPg Reader Roscoe writes: I am hardly anti-cop. Having been one, I still carry the experiences and influences that come with the job. But some of the actions I see unfold in certain parts of the...

Force-on-Force Sims: The New Front in the Battle for Gun Rights

"Police use of force is a topic KHOU 11 News has been exploring this week," the Houston news org reminds readers, "starting with our story on Wednesday with activist Quanell X running through 'shoot don't shoot'...

A Police Standoff Story Where No One Gets Shot

Mountain Home - (Ammoland.com) - An Arkansas Game and Fish Commission wildlife officer helped defuse a potentially dangerous situation last week in Mountain Home. Wildlife Officer Cpl. Doug Small was on daily patrol Feb. 5, when he...