Huffington Post’s Tim Mullen: Cops Should Stay at the Station and Wait for a...

Over at, Tim Mullen has a radical idea on how to prevent dubious officer-involved shootings and civil rights abuses: confine cops to their station until they're needed. You know; like firemen. No really. "If...

Idaho Lawyer: Threat to Take Infant Invalidates Gun Charge

When a warrant was served in an Idaho murder case on December 3, 2014, a woman, one of the suspects' fiancee, Sophia D. Sanchez, was just leaving the house. She was questioned before being...

Question of the Day: Are Police Bodycams a Boon or a Bandaid?

We've seen lots of bodycam footage of officer-involved shootings in the last year or so since the Michael Brown shooting. As more and more police departments video officer interactions with the general public, we're getting better...

North Carolina SWATting: Gun Owners’ Kobayashi Maru?

"Newton, North Carolina police say around 10:30 Saturday night someone called claiming they were Sean Prince, Karen's son," reports. "The caller also used the mother's address. The caller informed them he shot and killed...

The Atlantic Asks Uncomfortable (And Familiar) Questions About the Waco Biker Shooting

"Why is Waco, Texas, fighting to suppress multiple videos of the shootout that killed nine bikers at the Twin Peaks restaurant on May 17? Why are some attorneys in the case now prohibited from...

Force Science Institute: “Don’t Shoot At Vehicles” Police Policy Ill-Advised

Force Science Institute writes: A growing number of agencies are specifying in policy that moving motor vehicles per se should no longer be considered deadly threats and that officers should not use deadly force to...

A Good Shoot, But . . .

67 I'm glad that Las Vegas Patrol Officer Brian Kroening survived the obvious lethal threat against his life in the video above. I reckon it's a "good shoot." That said, as someone with academic and...

Contest Entry: “L-Lincoln, L-Lincoln 5”

By Bud Harton After coming home from Vietnam, I became a patrol officer in a small department in the south suburbs of Chicago. Although having spent almost three years in heavy combat, I was way...

Hot Pursuit in Brazil

77 The Brazilian copter shooter almost waited until the white pickup was clear of other traffic before opening fire, first. Oh, and iron sights!

OR Supreme Court: Police Can’t Ask If a Person is Armed Without Cause

The Oregon Supreme Court has ruled that generic "officer safety" is not sufficient justification to ask individuals if they are armed. In a ruling this week, the court found that police officers may not...

Police Attorney: Use of Force Reform Will Bring Catastrophe

Republished with permission from Police officers are granted special considerations under current use-of-force laws--a fact that some reformers want to change. If that happens, "the result will be a catastrophic deterioration of law enforcement services...

Waco Judge Bans Release of Biker Shooting Video, Gags Case Against Cops

We've been reporting on the Waco biker shooting since the Twin Peaks incident first hit the 'net. The first clue that the authorities were covering up the police shootings: the cops arrested 100 people...