Boston Police Targeting Toy Guns

78 "Police plan to target replica guns and the inappropriate use of scooters, mopeds, and off-road vehicles to keep Boston streets safe from violence this summer," reports. "Commissioner William B. Evans revealed his plan...

Quote of the Day: Say Cheeeeeeese Edition

“The Kansas City, KS Police Department became aware of the photos depicting officers posing with patrol rifles in front of a stop sign thru social media late yesterday. The photos are disappointing and inappropriate....

More Questions About Waco Biker Brawl

62 "Despite the characterization by police that the afternoon gathering at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas that led to Sunday’s bloody shooting incident was a gathering of criminal biker gangs with violent intent,...

Gun Hero of the Day: Lt. Clay Higgins

42 Lt. Clay Higgins of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana doesn't mess around. The no-nonsense persona he exhibits in his PSAs -- a blend of Chuck Norris and R. Lee Ermey -- has earned him celebrity status...

GLOCK 23s Falling Apart! Or Not . . .

"Dangerous defects were found on the guns that Bardstown Police Officers carry with them on a daily basis," reports. "Hairline fractures appeared on 12 guns, which were immediately taken out of commission. That’s...

Was Waco Biker Brawl A Police Massacre?

"A shoving match in a bathroom at a Confederation of Clubs meeting in Waco, Texas exploded into a war," observes. "Nine people were killed, 27 people were injured, 17 were hospitalized, two are...

CT Cops Carve-Out on Gun Violence Restraining Order

TTAG reader Pascal writes: Click here to read Connecticut's SB 650. AN ACT CONCERNING TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDERS is the Constitution State version of California's Gun Violence Restraining Order. Check out Section 3(b) of the CT bill. The...

Off Duty Officer Drops Gun On Playground, 6-Year-Old Picks It Up

By Brandon via An off-duty Webb City, Missouri police officer was at a playground with his family when his child had become distressed while on top of the slide. The officer climbed the slide...

Quote of the Day: Police Officers Are the Only Ones Edition

How could the Alexander Police Department employ an officer who had not yet gone through any of the state-mandated training? Because according to Arkansas state law, it’s perfectly legal to do so. Specifically, said...

Post-Freddie Gray Indictment Baltimore Cops: Demoralized and Hesitant?

"As the number of shootings and homicides has surged in Baltimore, some police officers say they feel hesitant on the job under intense public scrutiny and in the wake of criminal charges against six...

Gun Hero of the Day: OK Cop Defender

Many readers consider me anti-cop. I am. I'm anti-bad cop. Having recently been detained by the Austin PD (after witnessing the immediate aftermath of a firearms-related suicide), having interacted with police on other volatile occasions, I...

GLOCKs, The Proper Focus: A Response to Bob Owens

 Bob Owens is my friend, a simple sentence I’m proud to be able to write. He gave me my start in blogging at the now defunct Confederate Yankee blog, and when Bob wanted to...