Dr. Dre Subject of ‘Citizens Arrest’ for Brandishng a Gun…Without A Gun?

Andre Romelle Young (a.k.a., Dr. Dre) is an extremely successful business man. He's built  an empire on music, video and movies. He may have a net worth of over a billion dollars. Yesterday, the good Doctor found...

Fatigue Study Finds Cops Less Likely To Shoot Black Suspects

Republished from forcescience.org The most explosive crisis law enforcement faces today is the allegation that rampant racial bias drives officers' shooting decisions. Yet a new study concludes that officers tend not to be biased against black suspects in...

29 Percent of Cops Shot Between 2010 – 2014 Killed By Rifle Fire

https://youtu.be/QLhp6OGq2ko "At a time of rising concern over attacks on officers, a Justice Department study released Friday urged police departments to take a number of steps to ensure officers’ safety, such as using body armor,...

More Evidence of the Botched Police Response to the Orlando Pulse Massacre

911 calls reveal chaotic scene, slow police response during Orlando club shooting the nypost.com headline proclaims with English understatement. As Jon Wayne Taylor revealed in a previous post, the police response to The Pulse...

Question of the Day: Do You Respect the Police?

https://youtu.be/zrwqXY6VcDg Donald "Law and Order" Trump trumpets about the selfless dedication of America's law enforcement officers. Black Lives Matter assert that some, if not many, if not most police officers are racist thugs looking to plug...

PA: Drunk Man Shoots Police Officer, Found Not Guilty by Reason of Self Defense

On August 30, 2015, Darrel Burt shot a police officer. On September 2nd, 2016, he was found not guilty by reason of self defense. He was wounded in the elbow during the incident and...

Chicago Cops Shoot 14 People For Holding Objects Mistaken for a Gun

https://youtu.be/R4iyA3fqniA "A flashlight. A wrench. An L-shaped object under a towel. Even a Chicago Fire Department badge in a wallet. All allegedly have been mistaken for guns in recent cases in which people were shot by Chicago police officers...

Robot Snatched Gun, Disarming Los Angeles Bad Guy

Police robots are becoming more widely used by departments across the USA. Their use in the past has been to gather information without risking the lives of police officers. But their use against human...

ACLU Files Civil Lawsuit for Connecticut Open Carrier

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHNROh5Tfkk On September 11th, 2015, Constitution State protester Michael Picard was legally open carrying a handgun and had a camera running. The police took the camera, his pistol and pistol permit. The charges against Picard were...

LA Cops Points Gun At PI, Finger on the Trigger

https://youtu.be/eDwGzpyt26s This is an old video that's resurfaced on YouTube. But it's instructive. While there may be extenuating circumstances involved in this confrontation with an LA County Deputy, as far as I can see, this...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Why Gun Control Fails…A ‘Progressive’ Gets it Half Right

Gary Younge's book, Another Day in the Death of America: A Chronicle of Ten Short Lives chronicles young people who were shot during one day in November of 2013.  After the failure of President Obama's...

The Truth About the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights and Officer Involved Shootings

By Michael W Loos Ever heard the phrase “law enforcement is held to a higher standard”? I'd be happy if they were held to the same standard as the average citizen. Most citizens believe...