Austin PD Chief Acevedo: Open Carry = “Open Season For Armed Criminals and Extremists”

SO CLOSE! If only Austin Police Department Chief Art Acevedo had Tweeted that Texas' impending permitted open carry law presaged "Open Season ON Armed Criminals and Extremists." Then again, who gets to decide who's a...

Tulsa Reserve Sheriff’s Deputy Mistakes Gun for TASER. Could It Happen to Anyone?

As has been widely reported, septuagenarian Tulsa reserve sheriff’s deputy Robert Charles Bates shot and killed gun trafficking suspect Eric Courtney Harris with a .357 Magnum revolver instead of a TASER, killing Harris. The part-time law enforcement officer appeared on the Today Show...

OMG! A Cop With a Gun! In Scotland! OMG!

"A police officer in Inverness has been photographed carrying a firearm despite assurances that sidearms would only be deployed under special circumstances." Ewww! We were told we wouldn't have to see guns unless it...

Hey Moms! This Is Where “Children” Get Their “Crime Guns” in Flint, MI

Where'd they get the gun? That's what gun control advocates demand each and every time there's a crime or negligent discharge involving a "child" (a slippery category that usually includes teenage gang bangers). The clear implication: if the...

Incendiary Image of the Day: The History of the American Policeman Edition

TTAG reader Chip in South Florida writes: I just had a job cross my desk that I found interesting and thought you, too, would get a kick out of it. The Chief of Police of my...

Anti-SWATting NJ Legislator SWATted

"Swatting" means calling in to 911 to report a dangerous situation that requires a SWAT team to deal with it. A situation that doesn't exist. (That probably doesn't require a SWAT team but that's another...

AZ Cop Mows Down Rogue Rifleman

100 When local station ABC7 posted this video on their Facebook page, they "forgot" to mention that the man hit by the cop car stole the rifle from Walmart, pointed it at his own head several...

What Part of “Shall Not Be Infringed” Does the MD State Police Not Understand?

"A trooper stopped a new Toyota Tundra on Saturday because the driver was using a cellphone while driving," reports. "What Cpl. T. Bean found was a vehicle loaded with more than a dozen...

Tulsa, OK Cop Kills Fleeing Suspect With the Wrong Gun [Video NSFW]

140 You may recall that BART policeman Johannes Mehserle shot Oscar Grant III to death when he mistook his gun for a TASER. Mehserle went down for that one, a killing caught on tape by multiple witnesses. The...

Force Science: Can an Armed Suspect Holding an AR-15 in a “Non-Threatening” Position Outshoot...

via The Force Science Institute: DEADLY DOMESTIC. The shooting occurred in Elgin, a hamlet of fewer than 500 families that sits at a highway crossroads in the wheat and cattle country of northeastern Oregon. At 0730...

New Study: Who Kills Cops?

via Force Science Institute: The recent national tumult about police officers killing suspects got a medical professor with an interest in murder thinking about the flip side of the equation--suspects who kill cops. What are...

SC Police Officer Charged With Murder in Suspect Shooting

As the world now knows (though many refuse to acknowledge) the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson was justifiable. Never mind the grand jury no-bill, even the politically motivated Justice Department investigation found nothing...