Report: Dearborn Cops Tracked Open Carriers Via Social Media Before Police Station Arrests

Reader John Dingell III writes: There has been an interesting development in the case of two individuals who were arrested for open carry in the anteroom of the Dearborn, Michigan Police Department headquarters. Two men...

Becoming a Victim Isn’t a One in a Million Chance

by Steve Davis, President Guns Save Life I had a thrilling time at the 2017 Rangemaster Tactical Conference and learning from the top trainers and instructors from all over the country. Hearing presentations from Massad Ayoob,...

Force Science Institute: Cops Debate Warning Shots

The Force Science Institute asked their law enforcement audience for their opinion on warning shots. This, after the International Association of  Chiefs of Police Chiefs recommended that police agencies OK warning shots under certain guidelines. According the FSI, 90 percent of...

Quote of the Day: The Ferguson Effect Hits UK Police, Too

"Officers have seen what happens to their colleagues who have had to use lethal force to protect the public. Increasingly, they seem to be portrayed as suspects, based, I can only assume, on an...

Why Most Cops Are Lousy Shots

"On Tuesday evening, the Salinas City Council voted to give the police department the go ahead to buy 70 new shotguns for $47,905, specifically Remington 870s with a price tag of approximately $627 each,"...

Baltimore Police Commissioner Blames Revolving Door Justice for Surging ‘Gun Violence’

Baltimore Police Department Commissioner Davis is mad as hell -- at the city's revolving door justice system. (Video after the jump) After monitoring the judicial results of arrests for firearms-related crime, the BPD jefe...

Dashcam Video: New Jersey Police Shoot PCP-Addled Suspect 45 Times

A reasonable and prudent person follows a police officer's orders. Angry people sometimes show reluctance to follow lawful commands, as do the mentally ill. But add the effects of PCP to an angry nut...

Cicero Cop Plants “Buyback” Gun on Shot Perp. Allegedly.

"The police recover thousands of guns every year," reports, "many of them through buyback programs, as well as by confiscating weapons seized during arrests — more than 5,000 guns so far this year...

The One Thing the Media Missed About Charlottesville Armed Militia (Incredibly Enough)

I am amazed (but not amused) by the hand-wringing and name-calling "inspired" by the armed militia defending the racists/Nazis demonstrating in Charlottesville. Headlines like Should Protesters Be Allowed to Have Guns? demonstrate the media's failure to recognize...

One in Three UK Police Officers Wants All Cops Armed

"Support for a fully armed police service has grown among the rank and file as forces confront an unprecedented terrorist threat" reports, popping a pic of a rifle-wielding cop with an ancient...

3 Ways to Stop the Next Mass Shooting – A Former Israeli Sniper’s Perspective

I've been hearing it from pundits all week: gun control was the only thing that could have stopped Las Vegas spree killer Stephen Paddock. Ban bump fire stocks! "Assault rifles!" "High-capacity magazines"! Restrict the...
Replica firearms (courtesy

Boston Police Department: Which of These Guns Are Real?

I find it odd that people get their proverbial knickers in a twist when cops shoot perps brandishing a "fake" gun. If a reasonable person would consider the replica/toy a real gun (e.g., it's...