Business Opportunity for the New Millennium: Training Dogs to Assume the Position

It's come to this in the state of citizen/LEO relations: if by some misfortune you find yourself interfacing with a member of the local constabulary and your hound is anywhere in the immediate area,...

Boston Marathon Bombing Report Reveals Cops’ Ballistic Cluster-You-Know-What

"Overall, the response to the Boston Marathon bombings must be considered a great success," the official after-action report opines. Yes, well, as we reported back in the day, no. The decision to put the whole...

Deconstructing a Warrantless Traffic Stop, Or What Illinois’ Finest Think of Your Fourth Amendment...

Reader Mike Kane writes: I sell packaging equipment for other companies and recently designed my own machine. One customer wanted details about how it works, and being reluctant to send pictures or video over the Internet...

Court Awards $5.5m to Seattle Man Shot By Cops 16 Times; Officers Not Charged

Dustin Theoharis was napping at an apartment he was renting in his friend Cole Harrison’s home in Washington," reports. "Police weren’t looking for Theoharis or even his friend Harrison, but instead for Harrison’s son. Harrison’s...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: Grab Your Gun and FIRE!

74 I'm not a police officer. I did a brief stint as a reserve officer but I never had a close-quarters combat situation. So I may not be the best person to say that this...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Former Detective Mark Garner

I don't know about you, but when I took my first firearms class focused on defensive use of handguns, the instructor -- Randy Cain -- made sure everyone memorized Jeff Cooper's four rules of gun...

Savannah, GA Police Response Shows Why You’re The First Responder

Reader Ben W. writes: I share this story that happened a few days ago to an acquaintance of mine who lives a few blocks away from me. It's a perfect example of why, regardless of...

California Republicans: Confiscate More Guns!

I'm a Second Amendment absolutist. If someone has served their time for a criminal offense, if they've finished their probationary period, they should have their gun rights restored. Period. Also, if someone is too mentally...

Memo to Police Facing ‘Green Tip’ Ammo: Use Polyethylene Armor with Lightweight Silicon Carbide...

The brouhaha over "green tip" M855 ammo would be funny if it wasn't. Despite the ATF's strategic withdrawal on their plans to ban the popular rifle ammo - in the face of enormous pro-ballistic blowback,...

TX Bill Would Limit Photographing Cops, Discriminate Against Anyone Carrying a Gun

With the progress of a bill moving through the Texas legislature that would legalize the open carry of handguns (at least for CCW license holders), Second Amendment rights in the Lone Star state seem...

How One City Kept the Peace After a White Cop/Black Suspect Officer-Involved Shooting

64 This article originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission Stripped to its bare bones, the incident had the ingredients of another racial firestorm: A white cop with a prior shooting on his...

Baltimore SROs Prevented from Carrying Guns in Schools

"In a country where we're talking about arming teachers, Baltimore has decided to disarm the police. It's crazy." That's the reaction of Sgt. Clyde Boatwright, president of Baltimore's school police union, after the Maryland house of...