The Chicago Mass Murder Spree You Didn’t Hear About

The Mainstream Media™ are increasingly selective about the stories they cover. In Chicago this past weekend, a lunatic went on a murder spree killing five and wounding several more. However, given that it didn't...
police training range shooting

Sending a ‘Peaceful, Lawful, Free-Market Political Message’ With a Police Ammo Sales Moratorium

The police certainly didn’t use any ammo to protect your neighbor’s small businesses from looters this summer, did they? And I don’t remember the cops using any of their ammo to oppose the unconstitutional...

Chimp Killing Cop Suffers From PTSD

"Travis, the 14-year-old, 200-pound pet of Sandra Herold, 71, mauled a family friend in Ms. Herold’s driveway," the New York Times recounts. "Officer Chiafari and another officer were the first to respond to Ms....

Taser to SF: We’ll Be Here When You Figure It Out

Yesterday, the San Francisco Police Commission rejected the Chief's request to arm his force with Tasers. The Commission was worried about the lethality of the world's most famous non-lethal weapon. While ambulance chasers lawyers...

DC Gun Scam Costs Taxpayers $400k—And The Cops Keep the Guns

The Washington Examiner reports that more than 100 Montgomery County cops, prison guards and sheriff deputies received guns for their personal use at a fraction of their cost---thanks to DC taxpayers. They were ballistically...

New Orleans Police Cover-up Continues to Unravel

ProPublica has uncovered proof that a second ex-New Orleans policeman has been implicated in a Big Easy cover-up. According to records released to the reporters, The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that ex-NOP patrolman...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Dayton Officer James Hardin

Pity the poor policeman. No really. Not only do they have to respond to a huge variety of potentially dangerous situations, they have do so "by the book." The tome in question is thicker...

Police Don’t Kill People. Police Guns Kill People

I don't hold cops to any higher standard than I hold my dry cleaner. Shirts gets starched that shouldn't have been starched and police kill people by mistake. It's sad, it sucks, but there...

UK Facebooker Gets Five Years for Illegal Handgun

Brits don't have a written constitution. And they sure as hell don't have the right to bear arms. To wit: Sky News reports that a UK court has sentenced Majid Khan, 27, from Handsworth,...

Omaha Hearts Entrapment. White Supremacist Skinheads Need Apply

Greed motivated these skinheads the headline informs. Specifically, "What motivated the group was much simpler than the race-based ideology of some of its members, said Mickey Leadingham, the resident agent...

Portland Cop Chooses Bullets Over Taser

9 A grand jury found "no criminal wrongdoing" in the case of a Portland police officer who shot a homeless man named Jack Dale Collins. According to the police report, Collins was approaching officer Walters...

Ottowa RCMP Hopes Heckler & Koch MP5s Are Better Than Before

Unlike most of the mainstream media goldfish, the has a long memory. Or excellent archives. Or a writer who can Google. The paper notes that the Ottowa RCMP's decision to deploy Heckler &...