What’s Wrong With This Picture: Sydney SWAT Edition

http://youtu.be/cEnKUjk_owM I'm not a SWAT team member nor do I play one on the Internet. But that did not look like a smooth, well-coordinated operation to me. Especially the part where one of the cops who...

WA Deputy Sheriff: MRAP Protects Against “Constitutionalists”

http://youtu.be/LvDzuE2DZH8 Regular readers know that TTAG is wary about linking to anything coming from infowars.com - especially as we just asked you if we should delete Loony Tunes conspiracy theory comments from our comments section. The...

Guns of the Australian Terrorist Attack

The seige at the Lindt cafe in Sydney Australia is over. Here are some firearms images from the incident, many of which are from  Russia's dofiga.net, which, by the way, is definitely not a work or...

Grand Rapids Police Trading .40 Handguns for 9mm

"Grand Rapids police expect to move to a 9mm handgun next year and trade in the department's .40 caliber guns," mlive.com. "Police say the decision was made, in part, because many of the existing...

Police Firearms: What and Why – A Law Enforcement Perspective

Seargant Patrick Hayes writes: TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia is familiar with firearms in general, police firearms in specific and the discrepancies between police and non-police firearms. As this site gets plenty of Google hits from less well-informed readers, RF asked...

Bad Guys Pretending to be Police. Kobayashi Maru?

"Law enforcement officers are searching for two assault suspects who hid in bushes, posed as police officers and chased a man and his girlfriend down an apartment hallway," q13.com reports. Jack Permison read this...

Santa Cruz Cops Trial .9mm Smart Gun

"One procedure that failed in Ferguson was Officer Wilson’s attempt to call for backup. His radio was switched to the wrong channel," sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com reveals. "But a remarkable technology in California sets help in motion...

Beloit Police Chief: Let Us Search Your Homes for Guns

Beloit, Wisconsin Police Chief Norm Jacobs is serious about preventing crime in his town and has obviously taken the gun grabbers' gun-violence-as-a-public-health-issue approach to heart. "Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus is...

Quote of the Day: The Police Are Not Outgunned Edition

"Multiple studies, including from the Justice Department, have shown that the guns used in homicides, including the killing of police officers, overwhelmingly tend to be small-caliber handguns. Moreover, gun ownership has increased over the...

St. Louis Police Apologize for Toy Gun Parental Advisory

http://youtu.be/oW-XE10epVo The shooting and killing of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old Airsoft-wielding boy shot by a Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehmann seconds after he arrived on the scene, did not go unnoticed in St. Louis. Someone...

One Solution to Police Brutality: Open Carry

http://youtu.be/yvvGEYrVo_w "When I was in Washington DC, that's when Virginia first passed its concealed carry into law and we in law enforcement thought, 'Oh man, it's going to be terrible, it's going to be the...

BREAKING: Darren Wilson Resigns from Ferguson PD

"Citing security fears, Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot Michael Brown Aug. 9, has resigned from the police department," reports stltoday.com, a move that should surprise no one with a pulse and...