33 Stockton, CA Police Officers Fire 600 Bullets at Bank Robber, Knowing He Had...

http://youtu.be/1dXEHI5oifs "A female hostage kidnapped during a Northern California bank robbery was killed by police in an ensuing chase and shootout, likely during a final gun battle where the lone surviving suspect used her as...

All Law Enforcement Officers Should Wear Body Cams [Video NSFW]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTFXO7IwVW4 Warning! The video above shows a Cleburne, Texas police office calling over a pair of stray dogs, who wag their tails at him - moments before he shoots them. One appears to survive the...

Question of the Day: Is It OK for a Cop to Shoot Suppressive Fire?

The post-mortem on the recent fatal officer-involved shooting of Vonderrit Myers Jr. in St. Louis continues. We now learn that Mr. Myers was tooled up and proud of it before his fatal encounter with...

Watervliet, NY Asks Pistol Permit Applicants for Facebook Passwords. Or Not.

The photo above shows an application for a pistol permit as used by the Watervliet, New York police department. It comes to us from "Mazz," a member of the nyfirearms.com forum . As you can see the...

Nashville Police Chief: Secret Service Tried to Fool Armed Homeowner with Fake Search Warrant

http://youtu.be/Qt0CIUqljsI "Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson recently sent a letter to Congress alleging that Secret Service agents asked Nashville police to falsify a warrant so that the agents could search the home of a Nashville...

Wrong House Raid SWAT Team Shoots Family Dog “For No Reason”

"On June 18, Katti Putnam answered her door to find her home surrounded by police and a tactical team," the antimedia.org reports. "She was told they were looking for a fugitive, but as she...

Sgt. Patrick Hayes: When Armed Law Enforcement Crosses the Line, We All Lose

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-YwXgvtahM Sgt. Patrick Hayes writes RF recently sent me a link to an article entitled Is resistance futile? The Cost of Challenging the American Police State. The piece was written by attorney and author of (A Government...

NYPD Officers Caught Pistol Whipping Suspected Marijuana Dealer

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1 "According to court records, law enforcement sources and the video, the encounter started in front of 1311 St. John’s Place at 2:20 a.m. when three anti-crime officers spotted the 6-foot-2 teen peering into the...

GA Grand Jury No-Bills SWAT Team for Flash-Banged Toddler

"While labeling the drug investigation that ended with the disfigurement of a toddler 'hurried and sloppy,' a Habersham County grand jury on Monday ruled the law enforcement officers involved should not face criminal charges,"...

Tallahassee Cop TASEs Woman Walking Away [Video NSFW]

http://youtu.be/Mb8b5o-K1Ig "Tallahassee officers were responding to recent complaints from citizens about drug deals in the neighborhood located just a few blocks west of the governor's mansion," the AP reports. "Viola Young approached one of the...

Federal Bureaucracy Holding Up Police De-Militarization

Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Or, indeed, bureaucracy. Case in point: the stymied post-Ferguson move to ditch MRAPs, "tanks," full-auto rifles and other Pentagon provided kit. First, the good news...

CNN Takes Stock of Feds’ Police Militarization

Remember the White House announcement of a post-Ferguson investigation into police militarization? It was so important TTAG posted it as a breaking story. I guess it done broke. We're not hearing a peep from the...