Domestic Abuse: “Police Officers Are Humans Too”

7 I respect the police. You've got to respect anyone willing to lay their life on the line for total strangers, which includes me and my family. I've give the po-po props despite my firmly-held...

ARs for Personal Protection? Police Si! Taxpayers No!

Sorry I only got to this story today, whilst cleaning out my email accounts. But it's worth the wait---if you suffer from low blood pressure. "Officers armed with M4 Rifles stood guard outside a...

NY Friendly Fire Fatality Triggered by Gun Shout

9 So two Long Island NY cops shot a fairly bizarre fellow in his home when he charged the po-po with a large knife. If so, fair enough; although one has to wonder if said...

Open Carry Confrontation

12 Philadelphia. It's only a matter of time before the cops shoot an open carry advocate. Whose fault would that be? Who would that please?

MI Cops Treat Taser-Seeking Citizens Like Children

I don't carry a Taser. It's one too many weapons systems for me. But if someone wants to carry a stun gun instead of gun, or in addition to a gun, why not? More...

“Open Carry Guns Impacting Law Enforcement”

20 So before the law, the cops weren't on alert. Makes sense to me.

Self-Defense Tip: STFU

Here's another subject we've covered before: the necessity of saying absolutely niente to the police after a self-defense shooting. Other than something general like "My life was in danger. I'll give you a statement...

Detroit Cops Admit Nothing About Cop Shop Invasion Fail

If men are from Mars (solution-seekers) and women are from Venus (empathy junkies), the news media is from Venus. Click to to watch a TV-led kumbaya klatsch of police officers who survived the...

Cop Loses Gun, Loses Right to Carry. Not.

As any Golden State gun owner will tell you, California gun laws are very specific.  Anyone transporting a firearm in a vehicle must have the gun unloaded in the trunk or a locked container---other...

UK Cops Confiscate Farmer’s Shotgun “Just in Case”

"Tracy St Clair Pearce, 50, was confronted by four men carrying a chainsaw and a knife, who warned her they would kill her cattle at her farm in Colchester, Essex," reports. "She...

Long Gun Registry Stigmatizing Canadian Gun Owners

Those of us who have called for an end to the long-gun registry have often focussed on its cost — at least $2-billion — and its uselessness in stopping crime. But the greatest damage...

NM Police: FN P90 = Submachine Gun

10 Man holds up store with submachine gun: