Quote of the Day: Something Tells Me They’ll Get Over It Edition

"No one knows how many people have been shot since officers began carrying guns four months ago because of government secrecy." - Newly armed police in China say they fear their guns as much as...

BREAKING: Video of Ohio Walmart Shopper Shooting Released

https://youtu.be/0XYNOTUWfHE Video has now been release of the August shooting of Ohio Walmart shopper John Crawford III. A grand jury found insufficient evidence to indict Beavercreek Officer Sean Williams. But as usatoday.com reports, Crawford's family claims...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Keep Your Gun in the Glove Box

In this unusual Florida case, the two suspects attacked an armed citizen in his car, grabbed his gun and fled the scene. It all happened at a McDonald's drive-through at . . . wait for...

Michael Brown Memorial Burns. Ferguson Next?

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isSlim=1 When Ferguson, MO police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, the town erupted into violence. Law enforcement's response to protesters and looters triggered a debate about police tactics and militarization. Race hustlers moved in. News...

The Curious Case of the Handcuffed Barber

The 11th circuit court has provided an epic slap-down on police...er, exuberance, ostensibly in order to enforce state  regulations via warrantless SWAT raids. From Reason.com: Although ostensibly justified as a regulatory inspection, the raid on...

When it Comes to Police Militarization, Rely on Government Inefficiency and Incompetence

Reader The Bartelist writes, We've all been reading about the militarization of the country's law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels.  MRAPS, full-auto long-arms, tactical gear and training...the list seems endless. Many reasonable...

Random Thoughts About Good Cops

http://youtu.be/iEboySS6fqE I haven't seen this episode of Have Gun Will Travel since, well, never. It's a bit of an eye-opener. Larry Tate, I mean, Marshall Tom Kerry is a perfect stereotype of a bad cop: vain,...

Drunk Off Duty New York State Cop Shows Gun to Female Friend Outside of...

Some pro-gun folk reckon stories of police officers' negligent discharges, piss-poor shooting and over-zealous lead dispensation help the pro-gun cause. These reports supposedly undermine the antis' argument that cops are the only ones qualified to...

“A sheriff attributed a suspect’s being shot 68 times to ‘that’s all the bullets...

Remember the good old days, when cops were always the good guys and bad guys got what they deserved? Before Johnny Law dressed up in military camo, fired-up the MRAP, loaded-up his full-auto rifle and...

Honolulu PD’s “Gun Safety” Protocol Revealed!

SPOILER ALERT! Keep the gun in the holster until you're ready to shoot and keep your finger off the trigger until you're really ready to shoot. Wonder how the HPD managed to have three...

When Crazy Speaks Violence

The other evening, the idiot box aired a program about Maksim Gelman, also known as Mad Maks or the Butcher of Brighton Beach. Gelman, besides being nuttier than a squirrel turd, gained fame by...

Quote of the Day: Over the Top Edition

"Police have a tough enough job dealing with the bad guys. Now they have the additional challenge of being mindful of the message they're sending as they try to balance their own safety with...