Laredo, TX Cops Fire 60 Shots at Armed Perp, Fist-Bump After Homicide

206 "Six police officers unleashed a barrage of some 60 bullets after a Texas man refused repeated orders to drop a weapon, later found to be a BB gun. Jose Walter Garza, 30, never spoke when...

Police Militarization: How Much We Have and What Can Be Done to Stop It

Reacting to the furore surrounding recent crowd control efforts in Ferguson, Missouri, the White House has declared its intention to review of military-to-police equipment loans/transfers. Not to be outdone, Congress is holding its own hearings on...

Random Thoughts About Police Militarization

by Raul Ybarra, republished w/permission from his blog Militarization of the police has become a hot topic in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. Something one which I’ve held off giving an opinion....

Question of the Day: Should Cops Swear?

184 Yes, this is gun-related. I've seen a large number of police videos where peace officers draw their guns and then use obscene language to control suspected perps and other peeps. And I've wondered, WTF? Aren't...

Border Patrol Agent Fires at Armed Militia Member

The Border Patrol has for decades adopted strict policies about the firing their weapons. In the most famous recent case, Border patrolman Brian Terry was killed in a firefight in which the patrolman used...

Obama: Review Local, State Police Militarization. What About the Feds?

by Sgt. Patrick Hayes After the police response to public unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, President Obama announced a White House review of the 1033 military surplus program for local and state law enforcement agencies. That's the federal program...

Caught on Camera! Top Gamer SWATted Live [NSFW]

126 Talk about going viral . . . This video show a Littleton, Colorado SWAT team swooping down on The Creatures streaming collective founder Jordan "Kootra" Mathewson. It's added 1m views since yesterday. According to, someone...

Antis: Only Cops Should Have Guns

63 Sorry to harp on about this, but it's important to understand that TTAG shines a bright light on police militarization, police negligent discharges and bad police shootings (including homicides) in part because doing so undermines the antis'...

Chicago Police Commander Shoves Gun Into Suspect’s Mouth

"It was unclear at what point Cmdr. Glenn Evans allegedly placed the barrel of his service weapon into the suspect’s mouth," reports. Despite the Trib's deployment of the word "allegedly" it seems pretty...

Less Lethal = Less Survivable

The Michael Brown shooting has, once again, provoked rampant and uninformed speculation about “less than lethal” alternatives to stopping attackers. “Why didn’t the officer use a Taser?” “Why didn’t they shoot him with beanbags...

Quote of the Day: The Second Amendment is an Individual Right Edition

“We need to address issues such as over-criminalization, excessive and disproportionate sentencing, inadequate indigent defense that is inconsistent with the Sixth Amendment, and the militarization of police. We have deep respect for the moral...

Does the Audio Recording of Shots Fired by Officer Darren Wilson Tell Us Anything?

CNN is reporting that a Ferguson resident happened to have recorded what he claims were the gunshots fired by Officer Darren Wilson at Michael Brown. Click on the image above to go to the...