Self-Defense Tip: Defend AND Attack

  "The police sergeant who saved himself from being shot by jamming his finger in a goon's gun said Sunday that he felt lucky to be alive," reports. Roger that. " Miller and his partner were patting down...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: The Buddy System Edition

In the motor racing game they call it "the red mist." It descends upon a driver when he's so enervated by the competition that he loses that final measure of control that keeps the...

Thirty-Three Pistols, Machine Guns Stolen From LA SWAT

11   The twenty-one MP5s and twelve .45s had been stored overnight in a "locked box" in a building that was considered, um, secure in downtown LA where the SWATties train. Notice the conspicuous lack of the...

NJ Finally Approves TASERs—For the Police

  Our friends at TASER International shot us a press release this AM. Big news! The New Jersey police are tooling-up with TASERs. The Garden State was the last in these here United to prohibit...

Bethlehem Cop Blames Negligent Discharge on Incontinence

The Bethlehem, PA city council deliberated last week over whether to fire officer Jeffrey Rogers. Rogers exhibited all kinds of full-frontal fail last December when he let a .40 cal round fly in the...

NYPD Busts Itself In Gun-Smuggling Case

Should any of us be surprised that five NYPD officers have been arrested for illegally schlepping stolen guns into the city from New Jersey?  East Coast, big-city police enjoy a unique and toxic combination...

Milwaukee Hires Cops with Criminal Records. And They’re Just Fine with That.

After a group of off-duty Milwaukee cops kicked the crap out of Frank Jude, Jr. in 2004, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal stumbled on the fact that one of the cops involved - the one the...

West Covina Officials Furious at Police Harassment Video

12 reports that West Covina CA City Councilman Mike Touhey and Councilwoman Shelley Sanderson are none too happy about a video satirizing police harassment that clearly shows their town's cops and cars. Touehy and Sanderson...

This incident from Greene County in my beloved home state of Missouri . ....

100 "Tammy Robinette made several huge errors in judgment while driving in Greene County on the night of October 4," reports. "Drinking and driving was a big one. That caused a sheriff's deputy to pull her over. But...

Portland Cop Indicted In Mistaken Live Ammo Shooting

Dane Reister, the Portland cop who accidentally shot a fleeing suspect with live ammo instead of beanbags last June, has been indicted by a grand jury. It's the first time a Portland police officer's...

What’s Wrong With this Police Smith & Wesson M&P Requisition?

I heart the Smith & Wesson M&P .45. That said, if you buy the handgun in the Bay State it's hamstrung by the dreaded Massachusetts trigger---an action so heavy the Granby Charter Days Tractor...

Annals of Open Carry: Death Wish Edition

What are the odds that someone could walk into a Chicago police station holding a loaded AR, declare martial law and not be either repeatedly ventilated, billy-clubbed to a bloody pulp or even charged...