BREAKING: Militarized Missouri Police Go Rogue in Riots

406 Ferguson, Missouri was home to a fourth night of rioting following the shooting death of an unarmed African American. reports that the police arrested protesters and journalists alike. "Antonio French, a St. Louis...

Officers Who Deal With Rifle Carriers Four Times as Safe

Open carriers with rifles; neither hunters nor protesters, but private purchasers at a "buy back" event Most law enforcement officers don't interact much with people openly carrying long guns. That has been changing in recent...

The Argument Against Gun Control: Ferguson, MO

I started following Dana Loesch a few months back when she appeared on The View to talk about why she became a conservative after years of being EXTRA liberal. So last night while I was...

MO Police Shooting Leads to Neighborhood Looting. Or Did It?

95 So a Ferguson, Missouri cop shot a young black man two days ago. Here's the police version of events : "County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two...

Walmart Shopper Shot While Handling Air Rifle

I was wondering why the tale of a rifle-toting man shot in an Ohio Walmart didn't trigger the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America anti-gun group's hysteria alert system. After all, MDA's only success has...

Quote of the Day: Save Rover! Edition

"If the U.S. were overrun by dangerous dogs, you would think we’d hear a lot more about a biting epidemic. Yet postal workers, meter readers and pizza deliverymen—among others—all manage to do their jobs...

CA SWAT Team Ends 7-Hour Standoff of Empty Home

"It started just before 10:00 a.m. when Alameda County Sheriff's deputies went to serve an eviction notice to a tenant," reports. "Hayward police say when deputies entered the home, they found suspicious...

Jury Acquits Man for Firing Warning Shot at Wrong-House Cops

I know we're a little late in this one, but it's good to see a jury exonerate a citizen for taking ballistic action against Virginia cops investigating the wrong house - even if a "warning...

Shaneen Allen: Discretion and Distaste

“Earlier this year, a 27-year-old medical professional named Shaneen Allen drove peacefully out of her home state of Pennsylvania and into neighboring New Jersey. Today, she faces the prospect of three years in prison,"...

From the Annals of Police Militarization: Vets Heart MRAPs

"I've driven them quite a bit," Pocatello, ID PD Officer Nick Edwards tells re: the department's new MRAP. "We had quite a few of them assigned to us in Iraq." That's not the money shot for...

“Anonymous gun tip lines helping police confiscate more illegal weapons.” Or Not.

I sometimes wonder if the people writing mainstream media headlines bother to read the story beneath their header. Oh sure, they get the general gist of it. But I can't tell you the number of...

MA Police Chiefs Pissed at Lack of Power Over Rifle, Shotgun Licenses

"Top police officials and activists from Boston and area communities blasted the state Senate Tuesday for watering down gun control legislation by stripping a provision aimed at keeping rifles and shotguns out of the...