When Seconds Count: All Our Operators are Busy Edition

Just wow. A couple of boneheads were in my neighborhood riding their motor cycles up and down the sidewalk. Definitely annoying, and not the kind of thing I want going on around here. Rather...

ATF to Predict Gun Crime in US, UK and Canada

This just in from our ATF info wars guy Ike: "The Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms bureau wants to use technology to help predict where gun crime may unfold, and eventually work to prevent it...

OMG OMG! It’s a Hunk of Blue Metal! OMG!

AI member Tyler relays a tale of wanton death and destruction that was only narrowly averted by the vigilance of our friends who work for the Transportation Safety Administration. We're not sure what Tyler...

Quote of the Day: Gaping Maw Edition

"When you get out of a car with (a shotgun) and you hear the sound of the racking action, everyone knows the next thing you're going to hear is an exceptionally large bang. It's...

Seattle Police Blame Guns for Gang Shootings

  You may recall that I blogged the Memorial Day shootings in Chicago. During the same time span, Seattle had an outbreak of gun violence, including your basic drive-by collateral damage disaster. I focused on...

Ft. Worth Cop Shoots Dog in Wrong House Response

http://embed.5min.com/517381204/ It's getting downright dangerous holding down a gig as a faithful family dog these days. Note to canines: if you see a cop walking up your driveway, run and hide under the porch. Go...

OMG! A Stun Gun! Used on A Pregnant Woman!

"Tiffany Rent stood hunched over in pain outside a Far South Side courthouse Wednesday, tears streaming down her face as she worried about whether her unborn son had been harmed when a Chicago police...

It Could Be You! NC Po-Po Ready for Domestic Terrorists

  Remember the hysteria surrounding private militias? You know; back when Sarah "She Put a Reticle Over Her Opponents on her Facebook Page" Palin was the Republican choice for Vice President? About the time Jared...

Armed EPA Agents?

"The North Carolina man visited by armed EPA agents after sending an email to a controversial agency official says he not satisfied with the explanations about what he considers an excessive response and that...

Chicago Top Cop on Shooting Binge: The Murder Rate is Doing Just Fine

Maybe Windy City politicians should just stay away from microphones. If you hadn't heard, Chicago had yet another rough weekend homicidally speaking. The latest tally: 8 dead, 46 injured. When it comes to blood...

ACLU Sues to Get RI Man His Guns

The ACLU has been known---notorious in some circles---for being fairly selective about the civil liberties they choose to defend. But if you're in the business of upholding constitutional rights, playing favorites and choosing to...

Have Dogs Decided It’s Time to Shoot Back?

With all the instances of SWATties and regular beat cops shooting dogs seemingly at every opportunity, you have to figure the word's starting to get around within the dog community. One pooch in western...