IL: Plainfield Cops Want AR-15s in Gun-Free Schools

40 After taking SIG SAUER’s Active Shooter Response Instructor class (click here for my report) I fully agree with Plainfield Police Chief John Konopek: an AR-15 style rifle is best for eliminating a spree killer inside a...

For Deanna Cook, Seconds Counted

18;;playerWidth=600;playerHeight=325;isShowIcon=true;clipId=7643524;flvUri=;partnerclipid=;adTag=News;advertisingZone=;enableAds=true;landingPage=;islandingPageoverride=false;playerType=STANDARD_EMBEDDEDscript;controlsType=overlayDallas News | We got this from reader Rydak: Sad story.. but just another example of why you can't rely on police. And I say this as a 23 year veteran police much...

Quote of the Day: Mayor Bloomberg’s Cognitive Dissonance Edition

  “This is a terrible tragedy and there’s no doubt that the situation would’ve been even more tragic but for some extraordinary acts of heroism. Every day our police officers put their lives on the...

Quote of the Day: Mayor Bloomberg Changes His Position on Armed Self-Defense Edition

“Let me ask you this Miss, if somebody pointed a gun at you and you had a gun in your pocket, what would you do? I think that answers the question.” - Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg...

MD Cop’s Pistol Whip ND Coverup Revealed

A TTAG reader writes: "The quick and dirty : cop says that teen was an aggressive youth who had swung at him and had reached for his gun, at which point he fired his...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Say Hello to Oleg Volk’s Little Friends Edition

Ace photographer Oleg Volk's latest agit-prop poster serves a stark warning to the police: no-knock raids are a big no-no at the Volk household. "If courts don’t stop no-knock home invasions, bullets and other...’s Officer Anonymous is a Phony

  I've been blogging for more than a decade. I know a troll when I am one. I mean, read one. And as much as I view the boys in blue through a red mist,...

To Shoot or Not to Shoot – That is the Question

It's been a tough couple of weeks for LEOs at TTAG. We've had ongoing discussions about police officers and how they're perceived by civvies in general and gun owners in particular. From our wildly...

TASER and LEOs: Closerthanthis [Video NSFW]

17 TASER has donated $300k to the International Association of Chiefs of Police Foundation's Fallen Officer Fund. (Press release after the jump.) That's hardly shocking news. For some reason, gun manufacturers like lavishing big bucks...

Incendiary Image of the Day: I’ll Show That Cheating SOB Editon

Ain't social media grand? From "Pictured above is Detroit internal affairs (heh?) officer Angelica Robinson, who tweeted this angsty self-portrait after finding out that her lover, Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee, was sexin’...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: North Lake College Active Shooter Drills

25 "Dozens of students at North Lake College in Irving feared for their lives on Friday. They heard gunfire and saw police inside the nursing building." Another maladjusted wacko running amok with a gun? Nope,...

OMG! A Man with A Rifle! Taking it Into His House! OMG!

  Let's start at the end of this report by California's "Isla Vista Foot Patrol and UC Police conducted a check off the area with a K9 unit. At about 7:00AM authorities detained the suspect and recovered the...