Self-Defense Tip: Carry Pepper Spray So You Don’t Have to Shoot A Dog

28 "Quawan Branch, 9, described the attack by Memphis Police on his 1-year-old Labrador, named Pepper," reports. "'The police officer, he just came up and started shooting at my dog,' he said. Several children said they...

Who Polices the Police?

  "Two weeks before Spokane police Officer Barry O’Connell’s daughter accidently shot herself Easter Sunday with her father’s department-issued pistol," reports, "O’Connell had completed a gun safety refresher course stressing the importance of...

Chicago Cops Deploy Shot Spotter. Again. Still.

  In its ongoing, increasingly desperate and obviously ineffective attempt to stem the rising tide of gun violence, Chicago's throwing everything against the proverbial wall. Well, not everything. Kidnapping and torture are now off the...

New From SIG Sauer: The SMG

19 has the scoop on SIG Sauer's brand new SMG they're working on. In a world dominated by the H&K MP5 its going to be a tough sell to get organizations to switch over...

Question of the Day: Are Pro-Gun Pols Sell Outs?

  Starting today, Oklahoma's open carry law is open for business. Huzzah! That said, only citizens with a concealed carry permit can openly carry a firearm in the Sooner State. Oh, and tells us...

Waukesha Police Fire “Dozens” of Rounds at 76-Year-Old. And Miss.

10 This story's a bit elderly by TTAG standards, but I'm trying to clear my inbox, which has never looked so empty. Not that it's empty. Just relatively empty. Unlike the guns of the Waukesha Police,...

OMG! It’s a Gun! A Radar Gun! OMG!

"'An alert had been broadcast following a report of a man pointing a gun at passing traffic,' said police spokesman Joel DeSpain. 'The first responding officer drew his duty weapon and stood behind...

Self-Defense Tip: SHOOT!

  "Southfield Police Chief Eric Hawkins said it's unclear why a 64-year-old Southfield man entered the police station today, shooting an officer before he was shot dead," reported. "Hawkins said his officers followed...

CHP Firearms Meltdown

What the California cops do to a confiscated Smith & Wesson 500 revolver shouldn't happen to a dog. Oh wait . . . Make the jump for the bad news report. Warning: the video...

This is How Gun Control Advocates Think About Gun Buybacks

  Gun buybacks are a particularly stupid idea. They have no appreciable (i.e., quantifiable) impact on crime. They waste tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money. The "no questions asked" aspect eliminates the possibility...

The Stupidest Gun Buyback in the History of Stupid Gun Buybacks

  Regular readers will recall that I recently took the Haverhill Mass police department to task for holding a gun buyback. It was a generic sort of post; I used the PD's "no questions asked"...

Quote of the Day: Police Militarization Continues Apace Edition

  "I don't think Oklahomans as a whole are going to relish the day when their neighborhood is full of official police-package insurance department police cars as they're executing an arrest on a guy who...