Bulgaria: Ahmed Dogan Assassination Attempt

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN8KZwKRVXQ When seconds count armed bodyguards are only seconds away. What up with the beat-down? One gets the impression that Bulgarian politicians are a bit  . . . thuggish.

Texas Schoolteachers Carry Concealed. And?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j3kWarNjpM Americans have a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Why that right would end at the school gates is beyond me. The antis argue that "allowing" teachers (or any other law-abiding Americans) to...

Quote of the Day: Protecting and Defending Edition

"As the duly elected Sheriff of Johnson County, Missouri, it is my sworn duty to protect and defend the Constitutions of the United States of America, and the State of Missouri against all enemies...

NYPD To Replace Stop and Frisk with New Gun Scanners

Terahertz? It's killing me! But that's what the new scanners the NYPD is testing use to see whether or not someone's packing heat. More specifically, it looks for the outline of something blocking the...

NY Sheriffs: Some Murder Victims Are More Important Than Others

Now that Governor's Cuomo's unconstitutional SAFE Act is law the people responsible for enforcing it are saying WTF? The Empire State's sheriffs, in particular, are concerned about the Act's logistics and, by the way,...

When Seconds Count The Police Are Hanging Out Drinking Coffee

http://media.nbcmiami.com/assets/pdk449/pdk/swf/flvPlayer.swf?pid=p1FBQ0WByDgc h/t DrVino

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: NYPD Trawling Facebook, Twitter for Gun-Flashing Gang Bangers

The gun grabbers' mantra: if we can save one child with more gun control, even if it means limiting law abiding Americans' ability to save themselves or their children, it's worth it (paraphrasing). Well...

St. Louis Cops: Criminals Have Us Outgunned

http://www.kmov.com/templates/belo_embedWrapper.js?storyid=190317211&pos=top&swfw=470http://swfs.bimvid.com/player-3.2.15.swfhttp://www.kmov.com/templates/belo_embedWrapper.js?storyid=190317211&pos=bottom Smaller but more powerful is better? Only if you discount recoil (check out that muzzle flip) and take accuracy out of the mix. But what do I know? I carry a compact .45. I...

LAPD Cop Killer Dorner Posts to CNN. Apparently.

Cop-killer, manifesto author and LAPD target Chris Dorner's nothing if not media savvy. He's doing everything he can to get his story out there before Johnny Law (and a hail of bullets) catch up...

Cops Heard Saying “We’re Going to Burn Him Out” Before Blaze at Dorner’s Cabin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T6cG7FC71c The rumor mill was pretty quick to jump to conclusions about the LAPD setting the blaze that engulfed Christopher Dorner's hideout in San Bernardino County. And this video isn't going to help things much....

Self-Defense Tip: A Car Door is Not Cover

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M-iYcNuwtQ Cover = a ballistic shield. Concealment = the bad guy can't see you. Cover can be concealment but concealment is not necessarily cover. For example, a car door. It's not cover: most rounds will...