Reason TV Highlights Police Shooting of 80-year-old CA Engineer

58 The War on Drugs and police militarization remind me of the scene where Batman says to the Joker "I made you - you made me first." In other words, America's anti-drug laws and our...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Seconds Counted Edition

We may never know what drove Earl Edward Clague Jr. to ram his car into the Perry, Florida car dealership where he worked and open fire with a shotgun last week. What we do know...

Gun Hero of the Day: Rosenberg Texas Police Department

"Men... remember Valentines Day is about one week away...why not the gift of safety?" asks the Rosenberg Texas Police Department's Facebook page. "Women...tag or share with the one who needs a little nudge in...

Ohio National Guard Prepares for Pro-2A Terrorists

  "'It's the reality of the world we live in,' Portsmouth Police Chief Bill Raisin told WSAZ. 'Don't forget there is such a thing as domestic terrorism. This helps us all be prepared.'" Only the domestic terrorism...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Filer, ID Officer Tarik Hassani [NSFW]

433 Do I really have to justify the selection of Filer, Idaho Police Officer Tarik Hassani as our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day? Suffice it to say, Office Hussani has no business carrying a firearm,...

New York State Homeland Security Commissioner: “I Have Verbal Authorization to Carry on State...

  You may recall our recent Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day post on New York State Homeland Security Commissioner Jerome Hauer. A reporter reported that Mr. Hauer drew his GLOCK and used its laser to enhance...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Oakland PD Officer Kevin Kelly

"Officer Kevin Kelly, 24, was cited by San Francisco police and released for allegedly showing a gun to a server in an attempt to impress her about 2:40 a.m. Sunday at the 24-hour IHOP...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Cops Under [Google] Glass Edition

"Google Glass may soon become a favored tool for law enforcement agencies in the United States. The New York City Police Department’s massive and controversial intelligence and analytics unit is evaluating whether Google Glass is...

TX Cop Killer Skates. Have No-Knock Raids Jumped the Shark?

  "A Burleson County Grand Jury declined to indict the man who shot and killed Burleson County Sheriff's Deputy Adam Sowders who was serving a search warrant in December," reports. "Investigators were executing a search...

Albuquerque “Cop Killer” Pursuit Video Released

Christopher Chase was an aspiring cop killer. We know this because, according to, he had 'cop killer' tattooed across his knuckles. Wait, that's nine letters. How…never mind. Chase apparently wanted to go out...

North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission and United States Forest Service SWAT Suspected Poachers

69 Georgia Wildlife posted the above video, offering the official explanation of the genesis and "success" of a $2m anti-bear poaching law enforcement effort called "Something Bruin." Get it? While the initiative seems on the...

Des Moines SWAT Team Does What SWAT Teams Do

99 The reporter's note above the account of this Iowa SWAT team no-knock raid says it all (save Radley Balko's WaPo takedown): "We have some new information regarding the story we reported Monday night on...