Why Do The Philadelphia Police Have 1,356 Full-Auto M-16s?

  "An automatic M-16 rifle is missing from one of the Philadelphia Police Department's main gun-storage units and Commissioner Charles Ramsey has called in federal authorities to investigate," philly.com reports. "Obviously, this is very, very serious," Ramsey...

Cops Bring Out the Big Guns for Boston Bombers


OMG! College Students! With Nerf Guns! OMG!

"It is an absolute waste of police resources. Most of our officers went out there because it is a serious incident." So scolded Marc Lovicott, University of Wisconsin campus police spokesman. What had the...

Question of the Day: Did Boston Bombers Open Americans’ Eyes to the Threat Posed...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_Gb6i5DF9k It's increasingly clear that the Boston bombing was a watershed event. While the media focuses on the bombers' past and the possibility of further attacks, the police response to the terrorists is bound to...

Ohio Highway Patrol Spend $645k to Replace “Too Long” Shotguns

"The Ohio Highway Patrol is spending more than $600,000 to replace its shotguns because the old ones are too long to fit in the front seat of the Dodge Chargers the state bought...

Question of the Day: Does This Make You Proud?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT0c5glZ_c8&feature=player_embedded A email blast from Lenco Armored Vehicles: "The many pictures and film footage of the Manhunt for the Boston Marathon Bombers clearly demonstrated the Police Mission to Protect & Serve. While law enforcement conducted the...

Pittsburgh Police [Not Shown] Continue .40 vs. .45 Caliber Charade

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keqwALyFFME Regular readers will recall TTAG's previous post about the Pittsburgh Po-Po's "investigation" into whether their .40 caliber pistols had enough "stopping power" for local law enforcement officers intent on saving their asses protecting and serving...

P. Diddy SWATTED. Almost

Racism much? Or should that be harassment much? It's hard to tell. The mainstream media hasn't reported on the raid on P. Diddy's Maybach. tmz.com tells us "Diddy had just been dropped off at the Soho...

The Coolest Cop Ever or Just A Bunch of Insufferable Bastards?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2AXr6JIl04 The last time a teenager lived under my roof I discovered a simple technique for maintaining discipline (i.e. maintaining my own sanity). If my step-daughter asked me why she couldn't do this, that or...

Maine Cops on Constitutional Carry: GTFO

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1 For those of you who wonder why I'm fundamentally antagonistic towards LEOs (and can't play a Flash video on your smart phone) the video above features a squad of Maine State cops telling the...

Philadelphia Police Don’t Know the Difference Between an “Assault Rifle” and an “Assault Pistol”

http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/static/flash/embeddedPlayer/swf/otvEmLoader.swf?version=fw1000&station=wpvi&section=&mediaId=9112141&parentId=9112130&cdnRoot=http://cdn.abclocal.go.com&webRoot=http://abclocal.go.com&configPath=/util/&site= "Philadelphia police have released surveillance video of a man shooting up a strip club with an assault rifle," abclocal.go.com reports. Only no, no they haven't. That would be an AK pistol. And if you...

Quote of the Day: We Don’t Need No Steenkin’ Warrant Edition

"I can understand seizing a gun if it's on the person, but going into the house and taking all the guns is against the law. Now they're asking him for a court order and...