Outgunned My Ass

"The number of law-enforcement officers killed by firearms in 2013 fell to levels not seen since the days of the Wild West, according to a report released Monday," seattlepi.com reports. "The annual report from the...

Bryan Hyde’s Open Letter to Law Enforcement

By Bryan Hyde Will Rogers once said: “A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth.” I thought of that when a friend of mine who works closely with a local police agency recently told me...

Michigan City, Indiana Sgt. Chris Yagelski: Gun Buybacks Reduce Crime

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6IPkjwdJYM Another day, another "gun buyback." I use quote marks because the police conducting these cash-for-guns events didn't sell the firearms to their owners. So they're not really buying them back. They're buying them. No...

Gun Hero of the Day: Arapahoe County Sheriff Deputy James Englert

NRA-ILA Presser: Charlotte, NC --(Ammoland.com)- Back in March, we reported on Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D) signing into law the most sweeping anti-gun legislation in the history of the Centennial State, despite overwhelming opposition to the legislation. The new...

Cook County Sheriff Wants to Dig Up Dirt on CCW Applicants

By John Boch Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart would be a petty, tyrannical dictator if given half a chance. Fortunately for the good people of Illinois, our government doesn’t allow this – and Tom Dart isn’t...

CT Gun Owners Force Investigation into IGOTD Officer Juan Santiago

If you're new to these parts IGOTD stands for Irresponsible Gun Owner of The Day. TTAG's IGOTD series provides examples of careless gun handling to remind readers to follow basic gun safety rules. Bridgeport...

Once More (With Feeling): The Only Reason For Registration Is . . .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivhp7bWRr_Q From Canada's National Firearm Association daily media report : December 17, 2013 Airdrie, Alberta Mr. Ian McPhail, Q.C., Interim Chair Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP National Intake Office P.O. Box 88689, Surrey, BC  VEW 0X1 Dear Mr. McPhail: RE:  HIGH RIVER...

$23,500 Settlement For CO Open Carry Wrongful Arrest

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5TzoDTH_zM James Sorensen open carried at a Gay Pride event in Colorado Springs in July of 2012, and this video shows him being arrested for doing absolutely nothing illegal. Open carry has been legal in...

Unarmed Ohio Woman Killed by Cop’s Negligent Discharge

Earlier today, we told you about the re-launch of Evolve which wants to be the sine qua non of firearms safety. And who isn't for firearms safety, right? Though we don't know what's on...

Just Another Night On Smith Street

By Chris Hernandez So there I was, minding my own business, taking a bathroom break at the station. This was late on New Year’s Eve in a small town. I was just a rookie with...

Incendiary Image of the Day: ATF’s Message to Licensed Gun Dealer Bob Adams

After DHS and ATF agents raided his house, gun dealer Bob Adams found this tableau waiting for him in front of his gun safe. "The middle finger was a novelty item I bought in...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? The Hero911 Network

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0V5-DBvq1Q Hero911 Network™ (iOS, Android Free) (www.hero911.org) "This is a free app and is exclusively for active law enforcement officers from all jurisdictions and for retired officers who complete annual certification training to carry their weapon. The app...